[5] "House of the Rising Son"

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The commute to Rousseau's went faster than I expected and I found myself greeting Cami at the door; folders in hand. She was deep in thought, a faint smile appearing before she walked out.

She seemed startled as her body collided with mine, the grip on her folders tightening at the sudden change in movement.

"Oh, Gosh, I didn't see you there." She laughed, surprised at my sudden presence. Laughing lightly, I smiled at her before responding.

"I didn't think you had work today?"

"I don't, I just needed a quiet place to plan my thesis." Nodding in understanding, I smiled as she looked back at the door.

"I didn't realise homework made you that happy, Cami." I joked, hinting at the faint smile that had begun to reappear.

"Oh well, you know me." Raising an eyebrow at her answer, I light blush crept to her cheeks before she wished me good luck and ushered me inside muttering at how I would be late if I didn't.

Laughing loudly, I entered the lively bar and restaurant and made my way towards the bar. It wasn't too long after I had met my supervisor; an overly confident middle-aged man, who was extremely touchy when it came to introductions – that I was taking orders.

"Well, would you look at that?" Pressing my lips together, I tried desperately to keep the smile off my face as I turned around; a shocked look on my face.

"Klaus, I didn't take you as a day drinker?"

A low chuckle erupted from the hybrid, a smile slowly gracing his features. Picking up his glass he brought it towards his lips.

"I didn't take you as a waitress, love. I guess we're both pleasantly surprised." Laughing lightly, I looked down; a shy smile replacing my confident one.

"Hey C, I didn't know you worked here." Turning my attention to the other vampire in the room, I smiled brightly.

"It's my first shift."

Marcel smiled, as he nodded learning back in his chair. Clearing the table nearest to me, I blushed as Marcel spoke amusedly.

"So, you excited for tonight?"

Moving past the two, I placed the now full tray onto the bar before answering sarcastically – a smile still present on my lips.

"...and here I was thinking – wait, no, hoping he wouldn't mention it."

"Mention what, love?" Klaus inquired entertained at our exchange. Before I could even dream of answering, Marcel jumped at the chance.

"Charlotte, over here has a date." My eyes widened as he spoke, I could already feel the heat rising to my cheeks as I interjected.

"Well, I wouldn't call it a da-" Before I could finish, Klaus had already spoken – a hint of irritation clear in his voice.

"-Well, that makes two of you then." Stepping back, I watched as the two stood up Klaus placing a hand firmly on Marcel's shoulder.

"Wait, Marcel has a date?" I asked slightly shocked, a smile plastered across my face. Marcel chuckled nervously, his hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sort of." Smiling softly at his somewhat embarrassed response, I excused myself – after all I was supposed to be working.

"Oh, and C..."

Acknowledging my nickname, I turned to face the two vampires.

"Yes, Marcel?"

"Wear the blue dress, it's his favourite."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2017 ⏰

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