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Walking down the lively streets of the French Quarter, I made my way to Cami's apartment. For the past few days and after last night's events, I really needed someone to talk to. Someone I could rely on to give me accurate and professional advice. That someone having majored in psychology who wouldn't judge me regardless of the nature of my problems.

That person is my good friend, Cami.

As I made my way up to see her, I couldn't help but think over my morning with Klaus. After insisting that breakfast was on him, we spoke about my life, everything from my family to the necklace I wore around my neck. Although, I made sure to keep what I am separate. I still needed to figure out myself what I could do – what I truly was. Overall, it was a brief yet pleasant experience that I now found myself wanting to repeat.

And I couldn't understand why but I was intrigued.

During the entirety of our conversations, not once had Klaus made any reference to himself. Even though I would try to change the topic of conversation to something that would be relevant to the both of us he insisted heavily on hearing what I had to say.

He was content with just, listening.

That being something I valued highly in a person. Not many people are willing to listen, the need to be socially accepted by everyone a direct nod to our ever-corrupting vision of what we should aspire to be.

Not what's necessarily good for us.

Pushing the thought to the back of my mind, I knocked lightly on Cami's door. It wasn't long until the door opened, the blonde bartender motioning for me to come in and sit down.

"I made coffee as I knew you were coming over."

Smiling in thanks I accepted the steaming mug, leaning back as she sipped at her drink.

"Cami, can I ask you something?" Pulling the mug from her lips she nodded, placing it down on the table in front of us.

"Shoot." Mirroring her actions, I placed the mug down, taking a deep breath before she interrupted knowingly.

"It's that boy, isn't it? The one that keep's calling, you like him too don't you?" Smiling she watched the look of utter disbelief on my face as I tried to form a response.

"How did you?" Laughing she leant forward in her seat a warm smile present as she grasped my hand, the look of utter shock still etched across my features.

"Look, I understand that it might seem easier to rule him out now; that way you'll save yourself the heartbreak but what's the harm in trying. You're young and free experience everything life has to offer you. You may discover that you really like him, and if so at least you won't find yourself thinking about what could have been."

As I let her words sink in, I found myself smiling at her advice. Marcel had said near enough the same thing.

I wonder if they've met?

"Thank you, Cami. You have no idea how great that advice is, I swear you're the wisest woman I know." Laughing lightly, she smiled in response, both of us taking the coffee cups into our hands.

"Oh, that reminds me." Pulling the mug from her lips she stood up coming back with a form and a pen.

"I found you a job. You're first shift being tomorrow, I tried to get it changed to next week bu-"

Pulling her into a tight hug, I thanked her profusely as she hugged me back.

"You're very welcome, it'll be mainly day shifts but you may be required to come in for the odd evening."

Pulling away, I couldn't contain my excitement as I quickly signed the correct areas on the form handing it back.

"Well its official, you're Rousseau's newest waitress."

Smiling widely, I squealed in delight as I continued to hug her and for the next hour, we caught up as Cami proceeded to fill me in on everything I would be expected to know.


It was just past 10 when I finally got home. Placing my keys in the door I locked it before tossing them on the side. I was exhausted and honestly just wanted to shower. Making my way upstairs, I stripped out of my clothes, taking a long hot shower.

When my dad and I made the move here, Cami had made it quite clear that I was more than welcome to stay with her, something about a young girl living solo in amongst the raucous crowds of the New Orleans locals didn't sit well with her. Nevertheless, I insisted on living by myself knowing full well that Cami would check on me regularly.

Wrapping myself in a towel I made my way to my room sitting at my dresser as I brushed out my hair. Looking oddly at my reflection I noticed I slightly purple colour lining my left wrist. Placing the brush down, I examined it tenderly before finally realising how it had happened.


Checking my right wrist, a faint pink outline rested in the same place. Sighing in annoyance, I quickly changed into a long top, allowing my hair to naturally dry before sending Cami a message.

Hey, is the uniform at Rousseau's short-sleeved?


Turning off the bathroom light, I got into bed switching on the bedside lamp. Hearing the ping of my phone beside me I checked the message.

Yes, It's already there along with your nametag.


Replying with a quick "Okay, thank you." I placed my phone on the side, setting my alarm for 8.00am. Getting comfortable I shut my eyes before hearing the light buzzing of my phone. Sitting up I turned on the lamp besides me before answering the incoming call.


"Hey Charlotte, it's Alex. I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner tomorrow night?" Sitting up even further I thought over the advice I had been given earlier before responding.

"Uh, yeah, I'd love too." Letting out a breath I didn't realise I was holding, I awaited his answer as I anxiously bit down on my lip.

"Really? Uh, that's brilliant, great even. I'll pick you up around 8, then?"

Chuckling softly, I nodded before realising he couldn't see me.

"That sounds wonderful, I'll see you then."

"Perfect, Goodnight Charlotte."

"Goodnight, Alex."

Taking a deep breath, I smiled to myself before placing my phone back on the bedside table. Laying back down, I pulled the covers tighter closing my eyes as I drifted to sleep.


I really am the worst author for updates, and again I apologise!

I've had so much going on with school etc... I've just not had the time to really focus and write...

Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter, it's sort of a filler chapter but let me know what you think nonetheless!

Any suggestions and developments you want to see in either Charlotte as a character or the plot are welcome!

Again, let me know what you think! I really value your opinions and want to know what I can do to make the story better💛

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- Perfectpink2012.xx

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