[2] "Always and Forever"

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^^Picture of Alexander^^


"You know who I am."

"Original Vampire, always wears a suit. You and your family are famous amongst the witches, especially with your brother back in town."

We had just arrived outside of the Jardin Gris Voodoo Shop, when Sabine spotted Elijah. Standing slightly behind him, I watched as she proceeded to talk to him.

"Well, Niklaus is here because he learned that a witch was conspiring against him, someone by the name of Jane-Anne Deveraux." Elijah stated knowingly.

"Well, if he's looking for Jane-Anne, he's a little late." She spoke sarcastically. Silence filled the air around us as Elijah spoke disbelievingly.

"Are you telling me she's dead?" Sabine hesitated before answering.

"Come on. Her sister Sophie is gonna want to talk to you."

Sabine turned to walk away before answering.

"Oh and Charlotte, I hope you know what you're getting yourself into."

"Excuse me?"

Looking at her quizzically, her eyes met mine before scanning over Elijah.

Am I missing something here?

Smiling to herself she continued to walk away motioning us to follow.


It didn't take us long to reach Sophie Deveraux. The sound of soft sobbing could be heard from where I was stood; Jane-Anne's body cold and lifeless lay next to the weeping girl. I slowly walked forward my hand resting besides Jane Anne's body as her sister looked blankly at me. I hadn't realised what I was doing before I moved Jane-Anne's hair to the side – Blood pouring from the bite mark left on her neck. Removing my hand slowly, I watched as Sophie lent forwards her hand resting on her sister's body as she began to cry again, shaking her head in regret.

"I am so sorry..." I spoke softly. Sophie watched stiffly as I stood up, making my way back towards Elijah and Sabine.

"What do you mean, she got caught doing magic?" Elijah asked. Noticing the blood on my hands, Elijah pulled out a handkerchief and handed it to me. Smiling in thanks, I began to wipe my hands. Sabine faltered as load whistling was heard in the distance.

"You want to know who killed Jane-Anne? You're about to get your first glimpse of Marcel in action."

"The vampire Marcel?" Sabine grabbed a hold of my arm as she pulled me away from Elijah.

"Things have changed since your family left town. Marcel has changed. Charlotte if you know what's good for you you'll leave now." Pulling myself away from Sabine I watched as one of Marcel's vampires jumped onto a car; many others following behind him.

"I can't. He's been looking for me for a week. He won't stop." I spoke defiantly. Elijah's eyes narrowed as he watched more and more vampires descend upon the small collection of witches. His gaze quickly turned to me.

"Charlotte is everything alright?"

"Elijah you should go; I'll explain some other time." I answered softly.

"Listen to her Elijah, stay hidden. If Marcel finds out that a witch let the Originals back into town, my people will be slaughtered." Elijah looked between both Sabine and myself before I nodded to him.

Without another word Elijah was gone. Letting out a breath of relief, I tried to calm myself down as Sabine pulled me behind her as she walked towards Sophie and the other witches. Realising I was still holding onto Elijah's handkerchief, I hurriedly shoved it in my back pocket.

"Well, well, well. What have we here? I got to tell you, Soph, this street corner is not proving the luckiest spot for your family tonight." I watched cautiously as Marcel made his way towards Sophie, a smirk forming as she stood up to face him.

"Not half an hour ago, we had to teach your sister a little lesson." His face had become stern as he spoke to Sophie.

"We're putting her to rest, Marcel. Leave us alone." Moving forward, I watched as Marcel stepped towards her.

"I never said you could move the body. Matter of fact, I left her here for a reason, send a message. If anybody is thinking of joining some kind of rebellion, my rules state that witches can't practise magic in the quarter, and yet a little birdie informed me that Jane-Anne was cooking up something magically delicious."

Stepping forward I made myself visible to Marcel. Whether I liked the witches or not, Marcel was being cruel. These people just wanted to grieve the death of Jane-Anne.

"Get to the point Marcel, these people need to mourn the loss of their friend." I spoke loudly. Sophie stared as Marcel turned towards me, a look of amusement present.

"Charlotte, I was wondering when you would show up. How's life treating you?"

"Just fine Marcel. Thanks for asking." I answered sarcastically. Marcel stepped closer his arm wrapping around my shoulders as he spoke towards the vampires surrounding us.

"Although, the last I heard was that you've been ignoring a certain someone's calls." Laughter erupted from the crowd of vampires as Marcel pushed me towards one. Immediately the vampire held my arms firmly my back pressed up against them.

"You'd think after a month that certain someone would have gotten the message." I muttered. Marcel chuckled as he turned towards the group of witches.

"Oh, yeah. While I have you, quick Q&A. My old friend the hybrid Klaus, he just happened to show up out of the blue asking for, of all people, Jane-Anne. Any idea why?"

Marcel's hands rested on his hips as he waited for Sophie's answer. I began to tense up, as I realised this probably wouldn't end well. Looking around at the houses aligning the street, I spotted Elijah. Removing my eyes from him – as not to give him away, I watched as Sophie looked at Marcel dead in the eye.

"I don't know. Witches don't get involved in vampire business." Marcel's smirk dropped at Sophie's words. Instead he circled her, stopping just behind her; whispering into her ear.

"Mm, that would be pretty stupid, that's for sure. Tell you what. Go back to the restaurant. Cook up some of that famous gumbo and keep those tourists happy." Sophie tensed up as Marcel smirked in triumph.

"Take the body." The once quiet and still street corner erupted into chaos as the witches surrounding Jane-Anne's body cried out in protest.

"Marcel...this isn't...don't do this. It's not fair." I pleaded quietly. My words fell on deaf ears as the vampire holding me let go; Marcel's arm wrapping itself around my forearm as he pulled me away from Sophie, her eyes watering as she tried to fight against the vampires holding her dead sister.

"What? No. Stop. Stop! Marcel!" She cried out. Her eyes turned to me as she pleaded.

"Please..." Tensing up, Marcel removed his arm from my arm as he turned to look at her – his signature smirk clearly visible.

"I'm going to hold on to your sister's body in case maybe you remember why Klaus is here."

"Marcel; please. Her body won't be at peace." Sophie asked again. Her words faltering as she noticed he wasn't listening.

"Not my problem." Marcel sing-songed as he continued to stroll down the street. Not moving, I hesitantly looked up in the direction I had seen Elijah in earlier. Spotting him in the exact same place as before I watched as his face held an unreadable expression.

Maybe he's deep in thought.

Looking away abruptly, I shuddered as someone grabbed my waist from behind. His voice soothing but cold at the same time.

"Hey Baby. Marcel would like a word."

Turning my head to the side, my words wavered as I tried to find the right words to say. Reluctantly giving up, I smiled softly at Sophie and the other witches as I swiftly turned back to follow Marcel.

Exhaling deeply, I silently followed Alexander – his hand hesitantly grabbing mine.

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