Chapter 2

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Danielle's POV

Walking down the corridor we arrived at the class 257, where our first lesson, English will be, which happened to be my favourite subject. Seeing the class empty we moved towards the back of the class and we sat in the last row.

Even though both of us are classified as nerds from our peers in the school, we also find homework tedious and mundane. Soon the class filled up with students and the seats were all taken except a few in the front row.

"So how was your vacation in Rome?" I asked Christine so that we will start a conversation and also because I was curious how she went since she never bothered to mention anything about her vacation.

"It was perfect, I really wished that you were there with me. I met a group of hot guys and I dated one of them for about 2 weeks. I'll send you his link on Facebook tonight," Christine explained to me with a huge grin across her face at the mention of her vacation.

"So you started dating before me, huh?!" I joked and she giggled, but unfortunately the queen bee, also known as Amber and her friend Antonella walked into the class. As usual they moved to the back of the class as well.

"Move. This is my seat!" a nasty voice rang out. Standing beside me there was the school's popular girl named Amber.

"Oh really!? Cause I didn't see a tag saying that this desk was reserved to you or anything," I responded back at her.

"Why do you have to be so annoying?! I think we should add annoying to your nickname as well," Amber commented with annoyance in her tone.

My nickname was mean tongue red head girl, mean tongue because when someone pisses me off I respond back at them, usually I say mean things, but I don't do it on purpose my mouth takes on me. They call me red head because I have red hair and Amber says she doesn't like it, but I discovered that Amber loves red hair, but her parents don't let her dye it. Strange thing for a popular girl, huh?! And girl because I am one.

"Well, you could add any other adjective you want I don't care what you say. And by the way move I'm not going to get out of this seat so bye," I told her aggressively.

"You're such a -" she said, but had to stop as someone interrupted her.

"Good morning class. Please everyone take a seat, especially you brown haired girl talk to your friend after the lesson not now," The teacher said while pointing at Amber.

Did he just call us friends? He is surely new for calling us that because all the teachers here know that we hate each other and we are mortal enemies.

"Okay class as you all can see I'm your new English teacher. Call me Mr. Green," he introduced himself with a smile.

"Green just like Amber's character," I whispered to Christine with a smirk.

"I heard that!" Amber angrily said to me. Oh right, I forgot she is sitting behind me now.

After two minutes of Mr Green's introduction, there was a knock on the door and when Mr Green said, "Come in," all students eyes diverted at the door to see who came this late.

As the door was wide opened a good looking guy was revealed. He had short black hair, big blue eyes, full lips, a muscled body and a beautiful smile with dimples. Hot guy, right?!

"I'm sorry I am late, I got lost," the new guy shyly apologized.

"Don't worry about it," Mr green excused him, "I believe that you're new here since you got lost, so why don't you tell the class something about you that way we'll get to know you."

"Okay. So, um... I'm Thomas Burke, I'm originally from France, but my family and I moved to here this summer. I am 18 years old, like all of you I guess. I love to play sports mostly basketball and football. I love to play video games. I hate people who think they are more superior than others and I hate double faced people, but on all I'm a friendly person. So basically that's me," He introduced himself and then flashed a cute smile which revealed his perfect straight white teeth.

"Okay Thomas, thanks for giving us a brief introduction about you. Now anyone would like to ask him something?" Mr Green thanked him. When Mr Green offered us to ask questions lots of hands were raised especially girl hands.

"Okay, you can ask him," Mr. Green said while pointing his head to someone at the back.

"Hi I'm Amber and I would like to know what type of girls you like," she said with a flirty voice. She couldn't make it more obvious that she likes him.

And guess what? Everyone else in the class, not counting straight guys, agreed with her. Seeing the way they were acting, I couldn't stop not to roll my eyes at them.

"Well, I like girls who act unique, who don't do everything like others do so they will gain popularity. I like girls who express themselves with others or even without others concern and they do not act like they are something else so people will like them," he explained with full detail.

"I agree perfectly with you. I hate girls who do that. There is one girl in this class for example, who this morning begged me to move from the seat I was sitting so instead she will sit there. Obviously I told her no, I mean, why should I give her my seat when she can sit somewhere else?" Amber stated. Automatically my eyes rolled themselves again. She is such a liar, she said what I did to her as if she made it. I devastate that girl!

After more than 30 questions were asked to Thomas like, 'how do you do your hair?' Or 'did you have a date in the city of love?", finally the bell rang. Next lesson was going to be Math. Perfect, just like what I wanted, huge sarcasm! I hate math, I always go bad in it so what is there to like in it?

After getting out of my seat and out of class, Christine told me that she was going to her locker so we were going to meet up in class.

While I was walking towards my next lesson, I felt a hand on my right shoulder and when I turned around, I saw him standing right in front of me.



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