Chapter 9

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Danielle's POV

Only five minutes have passed through our date! Why, time, have you decided to go on so slow?!

Jake told me that first he is going to drive towards his home because he said that he forgot his camera, I hope that he's not going to take pictures of us.

Probably not, as I am listed as a nerd and obviously a popular person like him won't take pictures with people who are classified as nerds, like me.

Oh boy please tell me I'm thinking wrong! He is not going to take embarrassing photos of me, is he? I hope not! I can't even text Christine as I don't know if we're friends anymore since we haven't talked today except this morning.

Well, I could always text Thomas, but I don't know how he will take it as we met only a few days ago, but on the other side he gave me his number, it's not like I asked for it. After considering if I should text him or not, I sent him a message.

'Thanks for giving me your luck, I appreciate it. And yes I'm Danielle not Mary! :p'

I didn't know what to text him, I suck at starting conversations and that's the best message I could write. After a few seconds I received a reply from him.

'No problem, Danielle. How is it going so far?' He texted.

'Bad, really bad! He is at his house to get his camera and then we're heading to the bistro.' I replied.

'Danielle, don't go there, don't let him take you there! Don't think I'm jealous or anything, but I just heard Amber saying that she can't wait till Jake arrives here so she'll have a laugh and I guess they are going to laugh at something that will happen to you.'   he explained to me.

'Have a laugh huh? Okay thanks for telling me. Talk to you later as Jake is back. Wish me luck!' I thanked him.

'Already did :p But you need it, so good luck for more.'

Not knowing what to tell him back, I decided not to reply. Inventing that Jake was coming bought me some time of what should I do and what excuse should I invent so that we won't go to the ice cream shop. No thoughts came in my mind and unfortunately I heard the door of the driver seat open.

"I'm back babe missed me?" He smirked at me and got in.

"Oh, you don't know how much!" I said in fake enthusiasm as I wished that he didn't come back.

"Cool, so now we'll go to the ice cream shop and let our date to begin!" Or his plan he must say.

Without my acknowledge my mouth automatically said, "Babe would you do me a favour?"

"Sure, what is it? Anything for my date," he accepted with a smile and winked at me.

"Could we go to the beach? There would be perfect. It would be just the two of us and besides the place is romantic," I suggested and crossed my fingers hoping that he'll accept. Good Danielle you're learning how to lie without people discovering that you are lying. Good job!

"But I want to have ice cream," he groaned. Good excuse, Jake, I said to myself.

"But, I'll have to drive if you want to go to the ice cream shop," I challenged him knowing that he doesn't let anyone drive his car.

"No, nobody drives my car!" he stated.

"But you just said anything for your date," I quoted him.

"But, I care for my car!" he said.

"Do you want me to leave then?" I challenged him.

"No, but, I want to drive," he admitted.

"Choose if we'll go to the beach you'll drive but if we'll go to the coffee shop, I'll drive"

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