Chapter 22

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Danielle's POV

"Danielle, hurry up it's already 5:30!" My mother yelled from downstairs.

"Coming!" I yelled and ran downstairs. I was supposed to be at Christine's house at 5:30, but at about three o'clock I fell asleep and woke up only a few minutes ago.

"Come on, let's go," I said in a hurry and got out of the house with my mother walking behind me. Between my house and Christine's there are only a few blocks in the middle, but I was already late and if I had to walk it up to her house I'm sure Christine would kill me.

Five minutes later, we arrived safely at Christine's house, I unclipped my seat belt and as I was opening the car door my mother told me, "Have fun tonight, but stay good, I don't want you to get drunk."

"Mum, there won't be any alcohol," I replied.

"That's good. You can go now, call me tomorrow and I'll come and pick you up, try not to stay more than noon at theirs or else you'll have to walk because I won't be able to come and pick you up that time," she said.

"Okay, I'll call you don't worry." I nodded.

"You did bring your pajamas with you, didn't you?" She asked me before I got out.

"Yeah, I have everything I need. See you tomorrow," I said and got out.

Ringing the bell of Christine's house, after a few seconds her mother came and opened the door for me.

"Hey Danielle, good to see you!" Her mother told me while hugging me, she was like a second mother to me.

"You too," I hugged her back.

"Christine is in her room, she was wondering what made you take so long to arrive," she told me and closed the door behind her as I walked inside.

"I fell asleep," I admitted shyly.

"That's okay dear, you can go in her room, don't take too long to come downstairs," she smiled. Since her mother is a make up artist, she volunteered to make our make up and hair, she had a course of hairdressing as well.

"Okay," I replied and went into Christine's room.

Opening her door, without bothering myself to knock, she told me, "Look who finally decided to show up!"

"I fell asleep and I am not that late," I responded.

"Only by ten minutes," she mumbled as she watched the time on her mobile.

Rolling my eyes at what she said I placed my bags on the floor. "Matthew is going to pick us up at 8," Christine told me.

"That's good," I commented.

"And then you can hit the stage!" She winked.

"You have a mistake there! We're going to a prom not to a concert!" I told her with a smile on my face.

"Haha you're right! But you're still going to be on stage since you would be prom queen!" she chuckled.

"We don't know that yet, but I hope I'll be, not that I want to be a prom queen all I want to see is Amber's face when she'll see someone else being a prom queen!"

"Not alone babe! I want to see her face so badly. She'll be like this," She said and then made an angry and surprised look which was hilarious. We began to laugh and then we made some funny faces too. After laughing till our stomach began to ache, we went downstairs so her mother will begin with our transformation! 

Getting into the room which they call the 'makeup room', original I know. I noticed that the mirrors were all covered. Without asking her mother anything she told us, "It's better to see the final result in an instant!" 

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