Chapter 15

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Thomas's POV

Damn it, Danielle is good!

And Amber doesn't even know how to catch a ball. She is like all the other girls in the pool they're just checking the guys abs and whose swimsuit makes the best figure for them. They are only good for running away from the ball and to make sure that they didn't break a nail!

Meanwhile Danielle, she's a great player she already scored 5 goals worst part is that for every goal she scores Jake goes over her and hugs her. The points are 7-3, my team is losing.

Guess who the keeper is? Yep it's Amber so whenever she sees the ball coming towards her she runs away! That's why we are losing, actually we are losing because Danielle's goals aren't ones that you would like to catch because she has strong shot.

I don't want to lose this bet, I want to stay friends with Danielle. Jake and I made a bet that who wins takes Danielle and who loses can't talk to her.

So in the last ten minutes that are left I have to make sure that my team wins.


Danielle's POV

Hooray! My team won!

It's a good thing that Thomas removed me from his team and he chose Amber over me! The last lesson ended so it's time to go home, I was supposed to meet Thomas to tell him what is really happening between me and Jake, but I guess he doesn't care anymore so I'm not going to wait up for him.

I left the pool with Christine and we were talking how hot the guys looked.

"Matthew has the perfect body ever! It's a good thing that he's my boyfriend!" Christine told me proudly with a big smile on her face.

"Yeah he does," I agreed with her in honesty.

"Hands off! He's taken you know!" She told me while winking at me.

"I know I know and well I'm sort of taken now too. 4 days to go and I'll be single again!" I said. I couldn't wait for prom I wanted this thing to get over and done with.

"Come on I don't think it's bad to be fake dating the most popular guy in school!"

"It is! The only thing he cares about is popularity when we are in front of others," I admitted.

"At least he has a good side. And by the way how did your first kiss go?" Christine asked me.

I explained her everything about the whole kiss hand and she was left with her mouth wide open.

"Why did you do that?!"

"I don't feel anything for him, I want my first kiss to be with someone special," I told her.

"Yeah keep on dreaming dear!" She told me. Well who knows maybe my first kiss would be something like that! I hope it does!

"You'll see, maybe it will happen," I winked at her.

"Could be maybe with someone with black hair, big blue eyes and full lips?" she smirked at me.

"You mean Thomas?" I asked her while examining her.

"Maybe," she muttered.

"He is with Amber," I told her.

"He could be faking it just like you are," she suggested.

"I don't believe so," I mumbled.

"Then it's your loss," she shrugged.


Thomas's POV

Perfect now my life really sucks! I was supposed to meet up with Danielle, but I'm not supposed to talk to her and if Jake finds out, he said he'll make sure to humiliate Danielle infront of everyone. Guess I don't have a much of a choice do I? I just have to forget her and let her live her life. But how could I?

I was walking back home, I wanted some time alone but it was my worst choice ever made. While walking I heard someone calling my name and as I turned around I saw the person that I least thought of who could it be.

"Hey Thomas wait up!" she yelled while trying to catch up with me.

"Hi!" I waved back at her.

"I'm Christine by the way. I don't think we talked before, did we?"

"No I don't think so," I told her not presenting myself as she already knew my name.

"Right. I'm Danielle's best friend you know?" She told me with sort of a question.

"Good for you!" I told her without knowing what I should answer her back. I mean I couldn't tell her 'Right that beautiful girl which I have a stupid crush on her, would you arrange me a date with her? I would really appreciate it if you do so!'

"Yeah it's good to have a friend like her! She's great you know?"

"Yes she is," I told her in honesty.

"So you're a friend of hers?" she questioned me.

"Yepp I am at least we used to be," I admitted.

"And why is that?" she interrogated me.

"Why is what?" I asked her in confusion.

"Why did you say used to be friends? Why aren't you two friends anymore?"

"Cause since she has been hanging around with Jake we don't have a chance to talk alone anymore."

"And I guess since you and Amber are going out you can't talk to Danielle, can you?" she asked me while biting her lip nervously.

"I'm never alone since Amber is always running after me."

"How long you two have been dating?"

"We aren't dating!" I pointed out.

"Do you want to date her?"

"Amber or Danielle?" I pondered her.

"Which one do you want to date?" she asked me.

"Why should I tell you?" I questioned her suspiciously.

"Because I might be best friends with your crush," she said with a smirk across her face.

"Could be," I mumbled avoiding eye contact.

"Well you have only 4 days left and then you could have all the time of the world!" she told me with a smile on her face.

"Huh?!" I told her trying to understand something.

"Don't worry you'll know soon what I'm talking about and you'll thank me! Now I better hurry because Matthew is waiting for me, bye!"

"Bye" I told her confused as I didn't understand anything.

4 days left for what?



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