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*The day after prom*

Hearing the doorbell ring, I took the last glance in the mirror. I was wearing skinny jeans and a floral shirt, a long with a ballerina shoes, no more heels after what happened yesterday, my feet fingers are all hurting me. Arranging my hair a little bit, I was proud of the result. Since I'm in a relationship, now I am caring a little bit more at how I look.

I hurried down the stairs, opened the door and I went out. Thomas was waiting for me outside. He looked beautiful as always, that black shirt he was wearing made his eyes look even more beautiful than usual. 

"Hey," I smiled at him and closed the door behind me.

"Hi," he smiled back and leaned in to give me a hug, "I know I passed earlier for you, but I wanted to see you. I miss you!" He admitted sheepishly and he placed his hand on his hair, messing it a bit

"I've missed you too," I admitted as well and he grabbed my hand to walk together. Being around Thomas I am not shy instead I am that crazy weird me. Being with him made my life better and it even made me see myself in a different better way, even though it all started yesterday.

We were going to meet up with Mary, Matthew and Christine at the park and then Thomas and I will go to the beach, where I had my first kiss, yesterday! Yeah I'm still happy about what happened and I can't wipe my smile off my face.

"So how was your day?" He asked me.

"As if you don't know," I replied. We've been talking all day long on random topics and we discovered some new stuff about each other.

"Well thank you for trying to keep on a conversation," he rolled his eyes.

"No problem."

"Danielle I have the best news ever!" Christine screamed the minute she saw me.

Even though we were metres apart, I could still her grinning widely.

"What happened?" I asked her as we walked towards them.

"Amber is moving out of here!" She exclaimed.

"What?! Really?!" I gasped.

"Indeed she is!" Mary nodded.

"She said that she couldn't handle all this popularity loss!" Christine smiled proudly.

"Oh my! That's the lamest thing I've ever heard!"

"Not alone!" Matthew mumbled.

"It really is!" Thomas commented.

"I have a question for you two now that you're a couple," Christine trailed off.

"What is it?" I asked her narrowing my eyes.

"What type of love do you have you two?" Christine asked Thomas and me.

"I agree with Christine, what type do you have? For example Christine and I have the love in Rome! Cause we met and had our first date there. What’s yours?" Matthew asked us. 

"No clue about that," I told them. "Thomas? You have an idea?"

"I guess ours is love at ex sight!" Thomas said gratefully and walked closer to me.

"Love at what?" I asked him because I didn't understand what he meant with that.

"Love at ex sight!" He replied.

"Where did you get this from?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Well I started to like you at first because I thought that you were Mary, who's was my ex girlfriend. And then I fell for you, for what you are," he explained and grabbed my hands.

"It's complicated, but it's a brilliant idea!" Christine smiled.

"Yep it is," I told them while nodding and looked at my beautiful boyfriend.

"Well I got the intelligence from my grandfather, Einstein, thank him," Thomas smirked at us.

"Suuuure," Mary snorted. 

"So what about you Mary? No, boys running after you?"Christine switched the subject.

Looking at Mary I was wondering what will she answer her, but then I felt Thomas's breath on my spine,

"By the way Danielle... don't think that I like you because you're like my best friend because I like you just the way you are!"

"That's cute! Danielle you should answer him something cute back you know?" Christine said making me blush. 

"Thank you for ruining the moment Christine," I told her and in return she stuck her tongue out at me.

"You're welcome," she winked at me.

"So what was your response going to be?" Thomas asked me and he examined my eyes.

"That I like you too Thomas!" I admitted.

"That's good. But for next time be louder." Christine told me while sticking her tongue out again.

"Christine stop ruining our moments!" I scolded her.

"Um ... Mary you're coming?" Someone asked her. I turned around and to my astonishment it was my brother. Since when does he know Mary?

"Coming! I'm sorry guys, I forgot to tell you that I have a date with him today! See you!" She said while leaving us.  She had a date? With my brother?! At least he found a nice girl to date after all those idiots of girls he dated.

"If they'll continue we would all be in relationships!" Christine said while smiling.

"And what would their type of love be?" Matthew asked.

"I think it would be love with friend relatives!" I told them while smiling and looking at my brother and Mary as they were walking hand in hand with grins across their faces.

"Still ours is the most unique! Love at ex sight!"  Thomas told me while pushing me on his lap.

"Sure is!" I answered him with a smile and looked into his beautiful eyes.

Once again, I had this amazing feeling, like everything was right in the world. With the stars shining bright above us and warmth radiating of his body, I could stay like this forever.

He leant forward and my head swum dizzyingly as his lips came even closer. He ducked his head down and kissed me, his lips were soft and sweet. I leant closer, feeling his lips on mine as my arms moved around his neck. Our hips moved in perfect synchronization and I felt so happy in that moment that I could have burst.

He leant back and whispered those words which I really love hearing from him, "I like you Danielle."

"I like you too," I whispered back before bringing his lips back to mine.

 *                           *                           *                           *                           *                           *                           *

The End! I hope that you liked this book. Please vote, comment and share! Can you take three minutes and vote for all the chapters? *puppy face*

 Thanks for reading! You guys rock! =)

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