Chapter 4

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Jack's POV ( finally )

" listen it was nice seeing you but I gotta go " Jen said whilst she rushed out

Wait what? Jen she's change. She's even more gorgeous than before. I have to speak to her! I run out of the airport but she's gone. The taxi has just driven off.

I fix my beanie and kick the wall in frustration.

" ow!" I curse under my breath. Shouldn't of done that.

I can't believe she thought I forgot about her. I thought of her everyday. I wasn't allowed to call or Skype her because my dad wouldn't let me. He told me to start fresh. Have a new life in London. She was all I ever thought of. I got drunk and slept with random girls at parties just to try to get her out of my head. But that didn't work.

And now when we finally reunit she storms off. I'm not going to be able to find her. I have to searcht he whole of London.

" mate you alright?" Finn, my twin said snapping me out of my thoughts

" uh , yeah" I said

" no your not what's wrong ?" He said sitting next to me on the bench.

" I'll tell you but just not here ok?" I said whilst getting up and grabbing my suitcase.

" whatever you say bud" Finn replies

I got in the car and it was a silent drive. As I stare out of the windows tracing the rain drops with my finger. I kept thinking about Jen. She's so much more beautiful. Not that she wasn't before but more you know like model like. She still has her big blue eyes. The ones I used to adore. But this time they look more grey as if she was sad. She's skinnier, she's also cut her hair. The once beautiful long, lucious brown hair is now short, shoulder length. I wonder why she cut it? Her thick boston accent still there. Her amazing dazzling smile present. The smile that always used to make me melt inside. I wonder why she is on London? I know she's always wanted to go. I sigh as we make our way to our flat we are sharing.

I slump on the couch and finn sits next to me.

" ok, spill" he says

" Jen, I saw her in the airport" I sigh

" no way ? The one we left 7 years ago? The one you had a massive crush on?"

" yeah" I reply. I spill all my feelings and story I had shared just a few hours ago

" dude you've got it bad" Finn laugh whilst patted my back

" got what?" I said tilting my head

" that crush? It's turned more into head over heals in love " he chuckles

I groan and throw my head back. Do I love her? Oh god.

She obviously doesn't. I mean things change right?


Two chapters in a day? What ?!?!?!?!

Ok so I would love some comments. I really wanna know what you guys think? Is it good or bad? Should I stop or keep going?

And I know these chapters are short but I sorta like them that way. More short chapters very often. I don't really like doing long chapters and making you wait for like a week for the next one.

Anyways jack!!!! He loves her !!!!!!! Oh my they are gonna get married and have cute babies and ..... Wait what?

Ok so I'm gonna go!


Holly x

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