Chapter 10

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Jen's POV

I wake to see my bed was empty, jack was no where to be seen. I get up and walk into my kitchen. I see a note and pick it up, it read

Good morning Jen

Sorry I had to leave, Finn needed me to help him with stuff around the house. I hope you have a great day

See you soon



He just left, ok then

I sigh and take a shower. I get dressed into a skater skirt and a white blouse. I put on some white high topped converse. I apply small make up. I grab my bag and start walking to work.

When I arrive Cathy is sitting there listening to music. I sit next to her and rub my temples

" rough night?" She wiggles her eyebrows

" no I'm just tired ok, anyways where did you go last night?" I ask

" home" she shrugs

" right yeah ok" I nod

" I saw you and jack last night.... Kissing " she winks. Oh my god I completely forgot

" heat of the moment "

" yeah right ok" she nods. I just roll my eyes

Jack comes sauntering in

" hello ladies" he salutes

" hi" I say

" Jen can I talk to you for a second ?" He asks

" yeah sure" I stand up and look at Cathy, she wiggles her eyebrows. God seriously. I follow jack into a corridor

" I got a girlfriend" he says smiling. Oh.

" cool" I say blankly

" she's great" he says and starts to ramble on about her. With each word my heart brakes a little more

" cool" I say trying to keep my voice from cracking. " excuse me" I say and rush to the bathroom.

I sit in one of the stalls and ball my eyes out. That kiss yesterday obviously didn't mean anything. I can't believe I thought I actually had a chance with him. After all these years I thought he could possibly have feelings for me. How wrong I was. I'm so stupid. No one will ever like me . I'm ugly and fat. It's obvious why he doesn't like me.

Suddenly the doors burst open.

" Jen?? Jen where are you?" Cathy says

" go Away, I'm fine" I croak. I see Cathy's feet under my stall. I feel her lean of the door.

" come on, you can tell me anything I'm here for you, open up" she says reassuringly. I push open the door and let Cathy in.

" oh Jen come here" she says. I run into her arms and cry. She comforts me and tells me it's alright

" do you want to talk about it.?" I nod

" it's jack, he got a girlfriend. I'm so stupid Cathy. I can't believe I actually thought I had a chance with him. I thought after all these years he might possibly have feelings for me. It's obvious no one will like me, I'm ugly and fat." I cry

" Jen look at me, jack doesn't know what he is missing. He's just a stupid guy who can't see how amazing you are. And don't you dare call yourself ugly or fat. You're one of the prettiest girls I know. In fact you're the prettiest. If you call yourself that again I will slap you" Cathy says sternly

" thank you Cathy" I say whilst giving her a hug.

" no problem, you know what you're staying at mine tonight, movies and ice cream how does that sound?"

" great, thank you" I smile


" guys are stupid" I say as I finish my 3 rd tub of ice cream

" yeah I know hunny" Cathy replies

" they get all the sluts and they don't think about the nice girls you know" I ramble

" oh and they think dumping a girl will be fine but it's not that girl will have a broken heart for ages. Jack always broke up with these girls and he thought it was fine but noooo those girls spent ages with me crying their hearts out. " I start to tear up.

" Jen no " Cathy says

" jaaackkkkk" I cry. I start balling my eyes out.

" shhhh Jen it's alright he's a prick and an idiot. You need to move on" Cathy says whilst rubbing my back

" I can't. I reluctantly let him back in my life for a better start. But it's just turned out to be a disaster. You don't know how long I've had a crush on him, I actually thought I loved him. He always just comes and ruins my life! Ughhhh" I scream into a pillow

" Jen seriously you need to move on, how bout Niall ? You've gotten close to him. I can tell he likes you. He always flirts with you."

" you think ?" I sniff.

" I know" Cathy smiles. I smile

" there it is, that beautiful smile"

" thank you Cathy , I'm tired I'm going to go to sleep" I smile

" no problem sweetie, goodnight"

And with that I fall into deep sleep

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