Chapter 21

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Jenn's POV

Harry has gone to sleep and I'm sitting on the uncomfortable seat next to his bed. It's quiet. It's nice. These past few days have been so hectic and dramatic that I guess I forgot about what the quiet feels like, and I'm enjoying it. To be honest I love harry but I want to take it slow with him because my feelings are all over the place at the moment. But I know for sure that I will end up with him, hopefully. He's all I ever want.

" Jenn?" Harry whispers

" yes harry?" I coo

" I'm cold"

" would you like me to get you a blanket?" I ask

" no I don't think that would work. Could you sleep with me, you're really warm" he smiles and I giggle and take my shoes off and slip into his hospital bed being careful not to hurt him. I turn around to face him

" better?" I whisper

" much, thank you " he smiles

He wraps his arms around me and brings me close.


" Harry time to get out of here!" I say whilst nudging him slightly.

" wait seriously????" He asks and I nod excitedly

" thank god!" He says whilst sitting up. The nurses come in and give him the ok to leave and we exit out of the back door and enter the car that was waiting for us,

The car ride was silent but Harry kept holding my hand rubbing circles on the top of my hand.

We get back to Harry's apartment.

" do you think we should call the guys and tell them what happened?" I ask hi whilst sitting next to him on the couch.

" uhh maybe later let's just stay here for a bit and cuddle?" He says and I smile and nod. I shuffle closer to him and place my head on his lap. I fiddle with his fingers and hand whilst he plays with my hair.

" Harry.... what are we?" I whisper

" what do you mean ?"

" you know, relationship wise"

" anything you want us to be., if you're not ready I'll wait, I'll wait forever for you of I have to. Just know that I'll be right here for you" he says whilst plating a kiss on my forehead.

" I was thinking... We should take things slow. I just got out of a relationship and to be honest I just really need someone who is there for me.. " I explain.

" that someone will be me. I'm here for you, Ill be right here waiting for you" he says

" thank you for understanding Harry. " I peck his lips.

" anytime love " he smiles.



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