Making Cake

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"No, vanilla will always be the best!"

"Psh, what are you talking about Jordan? Strawberry is obviously better than vanilla."

They turned to me. "Naomi, vanilla or strawberry?"

"You guys already know the answer, I can't choose!"

"Fine, but I think everyone knows that strawberry is the best." Declan boasts.

"Declan, I think you mean vanilla is the best." Jordan corrects him.

"Hell no!" Declan yells.

"Hell yeah!" Jordan yells back.

I'm pretty sure you could mistake  them as children if you close your eyes and make their voice more high-pitched. Where was Bennett when you needed him to stop childish fights? Oh yeah, he said he would be in the kitchen.

"I'll be in the kitchen if you guys need me." I say.

They ignored me and continued on fighting.

I walked out of the living room and strolled into the kitchen. Bennett was standing there by the counter with a mixing bowl and whisk in his hand. I stepped closer to Bennett till I was right behind him.

I was about to tap him on his shoulder when Bennett said something. "There's no point in trying Naomi."

"Dammit! I thought I got you this time!" I yelled and stomped my foot on the ground like a spoiled little kid.

"You can try but you'll never win."

"I'll try and someday I'll win."

"Mhmm. What are you doing here anyways?"

"Jordan and Declan were fighting again."

"And you didn't stop them?"

"No, it was entertaining to watch until I got bored of it and wondered where you were."

He took a moment to respond to me. "Wanna help me?"

"Help you do what?"

"Stir the batter for the cake I'm baking."

"Uh, sure." I said as I took Bennett's place and held the whisk in my hand. "Um, I don't know how to do it properly... I don't really bake or cook."

"Here, I'll help." He said, coming closer to me.

He wrapped his arms around me and put his hands over mine. I could feel all the indents of his defined torso on my back. My face was hot all over. I was probably as red as a beet. His hands were much larger than mine. His hands were carefully placed over mines as if I were like a fragile doll.

"Now you stir it like this..." Bennett said, but I barely heard it over the pounding of my heart in my ears. I couldn't even respond to him. I just nodded in response to him.

A few minutes had passed and his hands were still over mine, guiding the whisk slowly, stirring the batter. I felt his head rest on my shoulder. I'm pretty sure that my heart just skipped a beat when he did that. And I'm pretty sure my face got impossibly even redder. I tried to keep my breathing as even as possible.

"I could feel your heart pounding."

I felt my heart beat faster when he said that. He chuckled.

"It's gotten even faster."

"I-It's n-not my fault that it's beating this fast. I just get really nervous when people are this close to me."

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