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yay i got tagged by @Mitzu_Akiyama to do this and i really don't want to create another book. im sorry for this chapter making you think this was another one shot. and im not going to tag anyone


1. say who tagged you (In my case you can just tag your self and do it)

2. have an original title like mine

3. answer all questions

4. tag 10 people (lol yolo)

5. do it in 15 days (I don't even remember)

6. say who originally wrote it @1WitBeyondMeasure1 

yay lets get to know me

1. favourite hs stereotype

mean girls. they're so funny

2. something you hate about bullies

they're dicks

3. favourite fandom


4. what is freedom to you




the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.

5. why do you love books

because it nfsa;bjdk;naofsa i don't know how to describe it. it just. it's like it gives me a life i never had or the life of someone else given to me to experience.

6. favourite candy

candy? usually chocolate but i prefer savoury stuff. 

7. favourite song

i don't have one but i have a favourite singer. the name is EDEN or The Eden Project. his voice is fndsjafdosbafn  beautiful

8. what is your dream 

I dream to be successful

9. where do you wanna go

i wanna go all around the world and i want to visit different universes and explore.

10. favourite element


11. dream job

  my dream job is being a writer or something in psychology and mental illness. i want to create life or help people out with their fights inside their heads  

12. do you like classical music

yup (fun fact i play piano)

13. how do you relax

breathing. jk. i don't know how to relax

14. favourite book

i don't have one

15. what is your bogart

i searched 'bogart' up and i still don't know what it is

EDIT: i was told that bogart means fear and i am terrified of bugs and heights. but i still kinda like heights so...

im so sorry im just really tired and i just finished season 5 of supernatural and im kinda drained. im so sorry for not updating too. ive been procrastinating. a lot. so im sorry. and by the way i sadly won't be doing domino yet because i don't know enough about dominic yet so once i know his personality enough then i will start unless he was a dick. if you actually read this entire thing wow

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