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     I was given a note by my mom about 3 minutes ago. It was very strange. I was sitting at my desk, reading a book, when my mother practically invaded my space barged into my room.

     "NAOMI!" My wonderful mother yelled when she bursted into my room.

     I screamed in surprise and fear. "WHAT DID I DO?!"



     "WHY NOT?"







     She threw a piece of paper that was folded, into my face and dashed out of my room.

     I was incredibly weirded out after that and I was still feeling the after effects.

     Well... Should I just read it? I mean my mom doesn't do this. Actually, she doesn't do this because I don't get notes. She would do this. I might as well look at this piece of paper that was given to me which was weird because I don't get notes. Unless it's Jordan.

     I unfolded the note which was not folded evenly which pissed me off slightly.

     The note said;

     Meet me on the roof of the base at 8. Wear something fancyish, but wear something that you feel comfy in. -Declan

     Declan? Couldn't he have just texted me? Everything is so strange today.

     But even if it was strange, I had a small glimmer of hope for the large crush I had for a while now.

•           •          •

     I made my way to the roof of the base (Thank god I remembered the trap or else I would of been late.) and stood at the fire escape. I wiped my sweaty hands against my turquoise skirt.

     Yes. I'm wearing a skirt. I didn't exactly agree to this. My mother threw this in my face. It was a high waisted turquoise skirt, with a lacy white top. It's a gorgeous outfit but it didn't look good on me. Well, what's done has been done.

     I walked up the fire escape to see the roof all prettied up. There were fairy lights hung up everywhere and a table set up with two chairs on both sides. The table had a vase of roses and plates and utensils. And as romantic as it already was, there were candles leading up to the table.

     But Declan wasn't here. I felt slightly crushed when I saw no one there. Why was I here? Was Declan setting me up with someone?

     As the questions in my head kept on increasing, I just walked to the table and took a seat at the table.

     It was only a minute later when I heard muffled shouting and quick steps up the fire escape. I turned my head in the direction where the sound was coming from.

     Declan was standing there, looking slightly disheveled.

     He ran his fingers through his coffee brown hair. "Sorry, I'm late. There were... Some problems. Were you waiting long?"

     "N-no, just got here a minute ago."

     I won't lie, he looked good. He looked damn good. Very handsome. He had a white collared shirt with black jeans.

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