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I was sitting with Jordan trying to at least draw something decent. Something other than stick figures.

"You're getting the idea Naomi!"



"You've been making me draw stick figures for the past 30 minutes."




"You're an idiot."

He stage gasped. "Why would you say that?"

"You called me down to your room, claiming I couldn't draw, then 'teaching' me how to draw because little sarcastic me said 'teach me how to draw then', to you." I complained.

"Why am I even here? I can draw something decent anyways."

He put his hand over his heart as if he was shot there. "Are you betraying me?"

"I'm afraid so. So bye, I'm going to see what Bennett's making for lunch." I said getting up and walking to the door.

"Don't leave me!"

"Bye." I turned around and waved. I wish I hadn't turned around because I tripped the moment I turned and took another step toward the door. "Crap!"

"Are you okay Naomi?"

"Ow... Yeah I think I'm fine. But my butt hurts."

"Do you need a bandaid?"

"No, you idiot."

"Here, let me check it out."

"I'm not going to let you check out my butt!"

"Come here child."


He walk toward me...

And fell.

"Ugh!" Was the sound I made from the impact of when Jordan fell. On top of me to be exact. "What the hell Jordan!"


"EURGGH. You're so heavy!"

"I am not fat!"

"I didn't say you were fat!"

"So you think I'm hot?"

"I didn't even mention about you being hot!"

"Do you think I'm hot?"

My face flushed red. "Just get off of me!"

"Answer me then."

"I don't care, just get off! You're heavy!"

"I'm not getting up until you answer~"

"It's getting hard to breathe!"

It was getting really hard to breathe. And it wasn't because he was crushing me. It was because of the suddenly hot air that I had to breathe in. And so it was quite difficult for me to breathe. And the fact that I was burning in heat.

"Oh is it? Then you better start talking~~"

"I am talking, Jordan!"

"You know what I'm talking about!"

"Of course not!"

"You liar, you know exactly what I'm talking about." He smirked, moving closer to my face. Of course my face burned in embarrassment.

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