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Important note at the end.

¯\_ ゚▾ ゚_/¯  

"Are you sure that we're not going to get caught?" I asked worriedly.

"For the hundredth time, we're probably not going to get caught." Jordan said, completely calm.

"Probably? You didn't say probably, the last 100 times!"

"It's fine Naomi. Even if we got caught, Bennett bought me this for Christmas and Bennett can easily get us out of jail. Plus this place is kinda abandoned so no one would really find us."

"Bennett bought you this area for christmas?"

"Yeah, the other place was too crowded for my liking, and he was a good friend and got me somewhere else, where I can work in peace without anyone criticising me."

Jordan smiled, seeming to be very fond of this area.

"That's pretty awesome. So, have you done anything here yet? From what I can see, I don't see anything yet." I said, scanning the area for his artwork.

"Yeah I haven't done anything here yet, I wanted someone here with me so they could add a piece of their creativity here. I don't want this place to be just for me. I want to share it with the ones I care about."

I nodded in understanding. Jordan kneeled down and gave me a bag of paints.

"Here you go."

"What am I doing with these?"

"You, you are going to go over there and make whatever you want." Jordan smiled, pointing to a blank wall opposite from where we were standing.

"Hold on, I thought I was going to help you make something or stand by and watch you do your magic."

"Nope! You're going to paint whatever you want while I make my own secret masterpiece."

"You know I'm no Van Gogh! What do you expect me to do?"

"You do what you feel, and put that on a wall."

My mind was going I should definitely not put anything I feel on that wall.

"Just see a feeling or something that reminds you of something happy."

THAT'S A TERRIBLE IDEA JORDAN Abort abort humourous nope nope nope green eyes nope terminate mission blonde hair no feels yes feels

"Okay?" I said, trying to think of something other than that.

"Then go! Go, go, go! 30 minutes on the clock!" Jordan happily yelled into my poor poor ear, and pushing me to leave and do my own thing.

I cursed under my breath, and yelled back at him while jogging to my wall, "At least you could've given me a warning before screaming in my ear!"

Once I made it to the wall, I closed my eyes, going into zen mode, trying to think of a happy thing that I could do.

But, I couldn't rack up anything in my brain. Come on Naomi.

Happy happy happy emeralds fun fun diamonds content bliss rubies happiness love emeralds

Come on brain. I know they make me happy. I know he makes me the happiest in that way. But it would be very obvious if I just drew his eyes. Let's see if I can make it more subtle. Make the list shorter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2017 ⏰

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