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A/N: there's going to be some bennomi. that's all i'm going to say

¯\_ ゚▾ ゚_/¯

     "Hey, guys?" Declan said, almost like a whisper, catching Naomi's and my attention. He paused the game he was playing. Declan doesn't pause a game to talk. He usually just would just say whatever he needed to say and didn't pause his game. Weird.

     I put down the sandwich that I was eating on the table on front of me.

     "Yeah what's up Declan?" Naomi asked, looking up from the book that she was reading for about an hour now.

     He put down the game controller and faced us. "Call Bennett, I need to tell you guys something."

     This is getting really weird.

     "Declan are you okay? What's going on? Are you moving? What's wrong? Did we do anything?" Naomi worriedly questioned him.

     "Just get Bennett."

     "Already here." Bennett said walking into the room. "What's up Declan?"

     Bennett sat down on the couch next to Naomi, while Declan took a seat beside me.

     "Okay..." Declan took a deep breath. "God, this is so hard to say." He muttered.

     "Declan answer my questions. What's going on? Are you okay?" Naomi asked, very concerned about Declan.

     "I'm fine Naomi. It's just..." Declan struggled to say what he wanted to say. "Since Jordan came out, I've been having this on my mind. I mean, we're best friends so I was thinking that I should tell you since we're all close and that I wanted to say this since Jordan could."

     "You're gay?" I blurted out.

     "You're gay?" Naomi and Bennett said toward Declan, repeating what I said. Naomi had a happy tone in her voice while Bennett sounded like... Bennett. As always.

     "No! I'm not gay. Just... Somewhat gay. I'm bisexual."

     "You're bisexual!?"

     "Nooo, I'm a pterodactyl."

     Naomi groaned and slumped over. Bennett had a smirk on his face.

     "Noooo." Naomi whined.

     Declan and I were extremely confused.

     "No?" Declan questioned.

     "Noooo." Naomi whined continuously.

     "Bennett would you like to explain?" I asked.

     "We made a bet after you came out." Bennett explained.

     "YOU GUYS MADE A BET?!" Declan yelled suddenly.

     "We made a bet about if you were gay or bi."

     "You guys didn't even make a choice about the fact that he could of been straight or any other kind of sexuality." I chimed in.

     "We were pretty certain that he would either be gay or bi. In my case, I was sure that he was gay." Naomi sat back up and winked at me. I flushed red because I knew exactly what she was talking about.

     "Certain? How were you certain?" Declan asked.

     "We have our ways." Bennett said.

     "Do you have anything else to say?" Naomi coughed after she said that.

     "W-well... I know that we're best friends and we could tell each other basically everything, but then this would totally be a chick flick scene."

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