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Well I'm incredibly sorry.

I have absolutely no excuses that really make sense and have no holes in them.

I'm going to try to push out the next chapter as fast as I can.

Beat me up in the comments, my ego is growing larger everyday.

Sorry for the long wait and here's the terrible chapter about Bennomi.

¯\_ _/¯

Me and Bennett sat beside each other, both of us occasionally sipping the water that our waiter had filled our cup numerous times.

Bennett groaned and cursed under his breath when he checked the notification that popped up a minute ago. "I need someone to help me bury my brother's body."

"Is Bentley not coming?"

"I'm going to stick his body down a pipe and leave him there."

"I guess he said he wasn't coming and he said to eat without him."

"Or I could get someone to do it for me."

"Bennett, you need to chill. It's alright."

"No it's not alright. This is the second time he's asked you out on a date where I came along to make sure he doesn't do anything and he hasn't showed up."

"Let's just go out and grab some burgers from McDonald's and-"

"I'm not going to let you go the Mcdonalds and get a burger."

"Are you suggesting that we go to the back and let you cook again?"

"Yeah." He said, grabbing my hand and speeding through the restaurant.

"Bennett!" I shrieked as I almost hit a waiter while he dragged me toward the back of the restaurant. He pushed opened the door and we entered the chaos that was happening in the kitchen.

•        •        •

Wondering how we got in this situation? Well it started off where I was waiting for the boys to pick me up from my house to go to school. I was waiting outside looking up at the sky because it was a pretty nice day outside.

All of a sudden 2 very muscular and big men were on both sides of me and grabbed me. One of them cover my mouth so nobody could hear my desperate screaming for help. I flailed and kicked my feet around but they grabbed my legs so I would stop moving. But I still squirmed around in their hands.

Then I saw the limo. And I stopped moving because, thank god I wasn't being captured by a stranger. It was Bentley. I knew it was was Bentley because 1, It was definitely not Jordan or Declan because I'm pretty sure they won't do this. 2, Bennett doesn't like being in the limelight and driving around in a limo surely will put you out in the open. 3, Bennett doesn't have bodyguards. And plus, it was quite expected for Bentley to use force to get people to do what he needs.

I was pushed into the vehicle forcefully.

"Hello Naomi."

"Hello Bentley." I growled, quite angry.

"How are you doing today?" He asked.

"Oh, I'm feeling absolutely lovely."

"That's wonderful."

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