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Nico's POV

The open window allowed fresh air in the stuffy infirmary room. I was reading the book Will had given me. It was different than most with a unique twist to their love story. I found it intriguing.

"Oh; I wouldn't mind, Hazel Grace. It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you."

I sighed as I flipped the page. I didn't really want to read it, no matter how good it was. So I set it down on my lap. My fingers drummed nervously on the worn cover. I felt like the slow friendship that had begun to form between Will and I had disappeared. Whenever he'd come in to check up on me, the atmosphere got tense.

It was awkward.

I stared out the small window. Sunshine streamed through the opening and made the room seem more cheery. The fresh scent of summer and strawberries wafted in. I took a deep breath. Kids were running around with weapons (had they forgotten about safety?) and laughing hysterically. I looked away from it.

Across the room I could see my reflection in a mirror. There were heavy bags underneath my eyes, no color to my skin, and disheveled hair all over the place. Basically I looked like a mess. Did they have any showers here? I desperately needed one after all that traveling. I felt disgusting and filthy. At least I'd changed out of that horrendous Hawaiian shirt.

Someone knocked gently on the wall to get my attention. It was Will's sister, Kayla. Her red hair was tied up in a loose ponytail. Her arms were crossed and a small smile tugged at her lips.

"Hey, Nico."


"So Will is taking care of another patient right now. He asked me to make sure you were doing well."

"Uh... yeah, I'm fine. I would like to take a shower though." I whispered, just loud enough so that she could hear. There was a dumbfounded look on her face. She slapped her forehead and groaned. Kayla muttered under her breath, sighed, and forced another smile.

"Of course. We're stupid. Come follow me." I sat up against the headboard. Kayla came over to me and helped me out of the bed. We took slow steps, with her arms wrapped around my shoulders to support me, and made our way. I kept my head down, trying not to make any eye contact. I was zoning out as Kayla spoke.

"... you aren't able to stand by yourself quite yet, so we'll have you take a bath instead of a shower. Is that okay with you?"

"Mhm." I nodded. I really didn't care how I cleaned myself. We finally stopped in front of a door. Kayla opened it. Inside was a toilet, sink, bathtub and shower. There was also a rack of towels and hygiene products. I let put a sigh of relief.

Kayla walked me over to the tub. She turned the knob, putting her hand under the stream of water every few seconds to test the temperature. As soon as it met her approval, she gave me some basic rules to follow.

"You'll have to wrap your arm with some plastic so it doesn't get wet."

"Of course."

Soon after that Kayla left to give me privacy. She'd wrapped some plastic over my bandages to keep them covered. I winced a little at the sight of them. I stripped off my pajamas and folded them neatly. I placed those in a corner. Next I stepped into the bath full of warm water. It rose up to my neck as I lay down. For once, I felt relaxed. I was reminded of the baths my mama would prepare for me back in Italy. That thought brought a smile to my face.

{Time Skip}

I stepped out of the bath, water dripping down my body. Puddles were forming underneath my feet. A soft, fluffy towel was wrapped around my waist. I stood there for a moment, enjoying this new clean feeling. Glancing in the mirror above the sink, I saw that I still didn't look too good. My body was sickly thin, the dark bags still under my eyes. Small scratches covered my chest.

I sighed. Hopefully they'd be better soon. As I was turning around, the door opened just a crack. A head poked in; blond hair a mess, blue eyes twinkling, and a nervous smile.

"Hey, Nico. I came by to-" He stopped talking as he noticed I was still in my towel. I let out an unmanly shriek of surprise.

His face flushed a bright red.

"Ahh! I'm so sorry!" Will tried to run out of the room. Instead, he ran into the wall. A laugh escaped me as I watched him fall back in shock. I was practically cackling like a hyena at the sight.

"N-nico! Stop laughing at my expense."


"You're mean."

"I know."

He pouted, his hand still covering the bump on his forehead. Two could play at that game. So I pouted back. I giggled as he tried to speak.

"I-I'll be l-leaving now..."

I smirked a little. Will was too much. This time he didn't miss the door, and he was out of sight. The towel around my waist was starting to slip so I pulled it up. Before I left, I made sure to get rid of the dreamy look on my face. I did my best to cover my bare chest as I walked down the empty hall.

Pulling back the curtain to my room, I noticed a fresh set of clothes set out for me. I tugged them on and dropped the towel on the floor. In the mirror, I tried to tame my messy hair.

"Are- are you... decent?"


Will walked in, opening his eyes.

He stepped up behind me and I scowled. He was much taller than me. I slapped his arm playfully when he tried to ruffle my hair.

"Hey, stop that."

Will leaned in close to me and whispered in my ear.

"When will my reflection show who I am insideeee."

I rolled my eyes.

"Your breath smells like disappointment."

Gods, he was such a child.

"Get in bed, di Angelo. Doctor's orders." He attempted to sound cross. It didn't work.

"Fine, fine."

I stopped messing with my hair and climbed into the warm sheets. I tucked them under my chin and flashed him a teasing smile. Before he could turn away to leave, I winked. It was quick, but he definitely saw it (judging by the way his knees got all wobbly). This was too much fun.

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