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Will's POV

The clock read 2pm.

I was sitting next to Kayla at the front desk, watching her doodle. All the patients were doing well enough at the moment. So there was nothing for me to do at the moment. My next check up would be in one hour. Until then I'd have to think of something to do in my free time. I was always busy in the infirmary, so there was really nothing I could think of.

Maybe I could visit Cecil or Lou Ellen. No, Lou said that she was running the arts and crafts activities today. Cecil was probably able to hang out. He was a lazy pig after all.

"Kayla, I'm going. I'll be back in an hour."

"Okay..." She wasn't really paying attention, but that wasn't something to worry about. Before I left, I decided to check up on Nico. He was currently taking a rather long nap. His cheeks were a little pink, which was incredibly cute.

After scouring the camp for five minutes, I found Cecil sitting on a tree branch on the edge of the woods.

"Cecil! What are you doing?"

"Just... hanging around." He said with a laugh.

"I'm coming up."

I grabbed the lowest tree branch and pulled myself up. Cecil offered me no help, which earned him a scowl once I got there. We just watched people pass underneath us. Cecil would drop nuts on their unsuspecting heads, earning himself a few shouts. We almost fell off a few times due to our uncontrollable laughter.

"Hey, do you know what we should do?" He asked out of the blue.


"Prank someone."

"Sure, sounds like fun."

"Awesome!" He threw his hands into the air. Without support, he started the fall forward. Cecil's face paled and a scream pierced the air. I slowly made my way down the tree. Cecil was laying on his back, clutching his face in pain. I nudged him with my foot.

"Come on, I have an idea."

Almost immediately, he sat up.



"I know someone who can help us out."

He stood up and started walking in the direction of his cabin, not even looking back to see if I was following him. In two quick strides, I had caught up to him.


"My sibling, Max. They/them pronouns."



Max was not in the Hermes cabin after all. We found them talking with a girl near the Demeter cabin. Cecil cleared his throat, signaling to his sibling that we needed to speak with them.

"What is it, Cecil?" They looked mildly annoyed.

"Will and I need your help with a prank."

Hearing that, the mischievous smile only children of Hermes could pull off appeared on both of them. Max blew a bubble with their gum. They adjusted their snapback, which was on backwards, and gave us a thumbs up.

"Of course! But hey, Alyssa is coming along too. Trust me, she's got some tricks up her sleeves."

"Damn right I do." Alyssa said. She had dark, curly brown hair that was cut short.

"That's cool. So Will, who's the lucky camper?"

I cracked a wide grin.

"Nico di Angelo."

Their mouths hung open in shock. People knew of Nico as the dark brooding kid not to be messed with. Hearing that I wanted to prank him came as a surprise to them all.

"Are you sure?" Alyssa asked. "I don't want him angry at us."

"It's okay, Nico loves me." I smirked.

"Anyway, what's the plan?" Cecil rolled his eyes.

"Just do what I do."

They nodded in unison.

We only had half an hour to set the plan in motion. I ordered them to break up and meet me back in front of the infirmary. I ran over to my own cabin, almost knocking the door off its hinges. Only three of my siblings were there, but they hardly even moved at my sudden entrance.

A few of the Apollo kids were still little kids, so I walked around, looking for the needed supplies. Spotting a couple stuffed animals, I snatched them up. I would return them later. On the floor were a some sheets of stickers. I grabbed those too. "Perfect," I muttered under my breath. I was careful not to bend the sheets when I stuffed them in my pockets.


I grinned at the collection of stuffed animals and stickers we had managed to get.

Cecil, Max, and Alyssa were sitting in the waiting room, giggling at what I was about to do. I stood in front of Nico's room; who was still taking that nap. Really, that boy could sleep for ages. I pulled the curtain slowly, trying not to make much noise.

I tiptoed over to him. Carefully, I placed the numerous stuffed animals around him, making sure not to startle him. Nico shifted ever so slightly, and my breath hitched; pausing with my arm above his face. He settled back down and I let out that breath I'd been holding in. I stepped back, admiring my work. Now it was time for the stickers.

There were stickers of all kind and they would be going on Nico's face, arms, and neck; kittens, puppies, stars, rainbows, smiley faces, hearts. Not to brag, but I think I made him even more adorable than before. Now we just had to wait until he woke up.

This would be fun.

Nico's POV

My eyes slowly opened, and I let out a loud yawn. I tried to stretch my arms over my head, but something was in the way. So I plopped them back down by my side. My hand grazed something soft and fuzzy. "Weird," I muttered under my breath. My vision was still a little foggy, so when it finally cleared, I let out a gasp of surprise.

I was surrounded by a dozen stuffed animals.

I reached out for one of them- a plush dog- and noticed the millions of stickers covering my arm. Bringing the other to my face, I saw that it too had stickers all over.

Stuffed animals and stickers, huh. I was slightly annoyed by it all, at least, until I looked in the mirror.

They were all over my face, too.

"SOLACE!" I screamed.

There was fits of laughter coming from behind the curtain, and I could hear a certain blond boy shushing them. I was about to get out of bed to smack him when his head popped in.

"Di Angelo, stay in bed. Doctor's orders." Gods, sometimes I hated that cheeky smile.

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