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Will's POV

I definitely didn't fantasize about kissing Nico. Not at all. I didn't want to run my hands through his black hair because it looked so soft. I wasn't admiring his long lashes that framed his warm, brown eyes just right. How they made him look like a beautiful, porcelain doll; fragile, breaking at a harsh touch. Which is why I always wanted to be gentle with him. To treat him right and with care. His lips were pink and thin, always slightly parted.

But it was purely for medical reasons.

"Will!" I was snapped out of my little daydream by Austin. He raised an eyebrow at me, and I blushed.

After the campfire, I had gone back to the infirmary to check on the patients - one more so than the other. Nico wasn't thrashing around like the first time. He actually looked at peace. Making sure everything was in order, I left the building and made my way to cabin.

Now I was laying down on my shared bunk with Austin, staring at the ceiling of our cabin.


"Go to bed already."

"I should say the same to you."

"Shut up."


As the Apollo cabin's head counselor, it was my job to lead everyone to the dining pavilion. Breakfast was spent joking and laughing with my siblings.

"Will! It's your shift at the infirmary." Someone yelled at me. Although we all had shifts, I always chose to stay and help out.

"Okay!" I yelled back. Before leaving, I grabbed a few muffins for Nico. He might not be awake just yet. As far as I could tell he was a deep sleeper. A few people were training; swords clashing against swords, arrows hitting targets, screaming at the lava wall (no one was hurt, thank the gods). The scent of strawberries made my mouth water a little as I passed the strawberry fields.

"Hey, Will." Alyssa, who was plucking a few berries, called out. She waved her free hand and smiled.

"Alyssa, what's up?"

"The sky."

I was filled with disappointment at her weak joke.

"Wow, how original."

Without a word, she pressed a small container of ripe strawberries into my hands.

"Consider it an apology."


Where the container of strawberries came from, I did not know. But I shook it off, waved goodbye, and went on my way. Once there I checked in and slipped on a white doctor's coat.

Down the hall and to the right was where Nico was staying. I pushed the curtain aside, daring to take a look at the angelic boy. As suspected, he was still asleep. I sighed a little at the sight of him. He seemed so much more relaxed when not awake. I liked this side of him.

"Sleeps like a log." Paige Turner, daughter of Athena, said. I recognized her as the patient who walked into the infirmary, hands covering her bleeding wound, and calmly saying, I got a cut. It was unbelievable.

I chuckled, "He does, doesn't he."

I dragged a chair in between their beds. Doing the usual check ups on her, Paige and I talked. Her cut was getting much better, the swelling and redness having died down.

"Fight me." Nico was up. He was rubbing at his eyes with the back of his hands, yawning in the process. He was coughing and sniffling a little, but other than that he was doing much better.

I smiled, "No, you'll win."

"Damn right I will."

"I got you some breakfast."

At that, Nico perked up.


"Really, really."

I grabbed the two muffins and container of strawberries and gave them to him. He inspected a muffin for a few seconds.

"Chocolate chip. Nice."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"Would you like something to drink with that?"

"Do you have chocolate milk?"

"Yeah, I'll go get you some."

I pushed the chair back, flinching at the noise it made when dragged against the floor. There was a refrigerator in the storage room. In it we kept drinks and food for the patients. Opening it, I grabbed a carton of chocolate milk.

As I passed by the desk and waiting room, I spotted Lou Ellen scolding Cecil. Out of the corner of her eye, Lou Ellen saw me and waved.

"Will! We came to visit."

"Hey, Lou. What did Cecil do this time?" I asked.

She shrugged, and before she could answer, Cecil himself cut her off.

"None of your business!"

I scoffed, "Rude."

I didn't bother telling them to piss off. They would follow me anyway, so I just went on my way with them bickering behind me. I did my best to ignore the pair, but occasionally I would throw in a comment. Nico had finished muffin number one and was just starting on the second one when I reappeared with his milk.

"Here's your milk."

"Thanks, Will."

He stabbed the straw into the carton and took a sip.

"Nico, how are you?" Lou asked, leaning against the wall. He choked a little on the milk.

"Oh, hey Lou Ellen. Uh, good. I'm good."

They both nodded and turned to introduce themselves to Paige. I brought my attention to Nico, who was still eating his breakfast.

Snap out of it, Solace. He's just your friend, your patient. Nothing else. You got that? Now stop it!

My conscious was right.

"PAIGE~" There were two voices whisper-screaming in sing-song tone. Standing in front of the curtains was Alyssa and Max. They walked in, and I noticed just how crowded the room was; there was seven people. We all shuffled around to try and adjust, making more space for the two other campers.

Apparently those two were friends with Paige.

"This day can't get any crazier, can it?" Nico muttered. He did look slightly amused though, so I simply laughed.

"I guess not, Death Boy."

"Don't call me that!" He protested, a light blush on his cheeks.

I wanted to kiss him. But I couldn't, because he was straight and my friend. So instead I held his hand, telling myself it was for "medical reasons". I held his warm hand in my own ugly, useless, healers hand. To my surprise, he didn't pull away.

A flash of light - from a camera - almost blinded us all.

"No, no! Not flash!" Someone shrieked. A blond blob fell from a tree just outside the open window. There was some rustling and I could see Jason Grace sprinting away from the infirmary, waving a camera in hand and yelling incoherently.

"What was that?"


Hey everyone! So here we have it, chapter eight and the beginning of Nico's second day. So we had the New Seven make an appearance and Jason too.

If you have any ideas for future chapters, just PM me or whatever. I could definitely use them. Please vote, comment, and share if you can relate to Jason's inner Solangelo fangirl.

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