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Nico's POV

After that little stunt, I had refused to talk with him.

"Nico, please! It was just a joke."

"Do you see me laughing?"

"Don't be like this!"

"No, Will, I'm not talking to you."

I turned my head stubbornly while crossing my arms. He whined a little and pouted.

"Fine, fine," He threw his arms into the air, a gesture of defeat. "But I will be back to check up on you."

True to my word, I didn't speak. I just nodded my head in agreement. Will left the room and I let out a sigh of relief.

I'll be completely honest with you here: Will Solace may be cute, but he can be so impossible at times. Sometimes I just had the urge to shut him up by kissing him. But this annoyed me. I shouldn't have feelings for him of all people. Come on, he was totally straight! He was a chick magnet, no denying that. With his golden hair that had that I-just-woke-up-but-couldn't-be-bothered look and eyes that resembled the summer sky... I felt all dreamy just thinking about it.

But I scolded myself for thinking like that. Will was my incredibly hot and straight doctor who, even if he was gay, would never be into me.

He did what any doctor would do with their patients: make them get rest, change bandages, check their vitals, and not be attracted to them. And also prank them. Maybe that's just what friends do. I wouldn't know since I've never really friends.

There was still loud laughter coming from behind the curtain. Despite having a pillow over my head I could still hear them. Oh my gods, they were so annoying.

"Can you guys laugh somewhere else please?" I practically screamed. Who gave a shit about the other patients. Surely that obnoxious laughing would be keeping them up as well. Almost immediately the laughter was replaced by loud shushes and muffled giggles. Was it possible for that to be even more irritating? Maybe.

"Gods damnit!" I groaned in frustration.

"We're sorry?" I removed the pillow from my face. Somehow I hadn't heard them come in, as they were now standing at the foot of my bed. I recognized Cecil who was a son of Hermes. He was there with Will and Lou Ellen when they were camouflaged behind a bush.

I raised my eyebrow at the other two, a girl and one who I couldn't really tell. She had short, dark curly hair with highlights and light green eyes. A pair of black glasses rested on the top of her head. She introduced herself as Alyssa, daughter of Demeter. They had light brown hair with hazel eyes and a backwards snapback. Even from here I could smell their fruity gum. Apparently Max was also a child of Hermes.

"What are you three doing here?" I asked, waiting for one of them to answer.

"To help with the prank-" Cecil was cut off by Alyssa and Max with a loud "Duh!"

"I should've know Solace had accomplices." I muttered under my breath. He wasn't capable to do it all himself.

"Accomplices." One of them - I couldn't tell who said it - hissed.

"How much did he pay you?"

Alyssa put her hand to her chest, mocking a hurt expression.

"Pay us?"

"Yes, pay you."

Now they were really getting on my nerves.

"No charge, no charge!" Max  practically shouted.

If someone were to walk in at this very moment, they would get a headache from all the confusion. Cecil was wheezing on the floor, Alyssa pretend crying, and Max screaming "No charge!" And here I was, shaking my head in disappointment.

"Well... this is interesting." I picked some lint off the blanket and flicked it across the room.

"Soooo, Nico, how long is Will having you here?" Alyssa asked. She was grinning like a mad man.

"Three days." I coughed into the crook of my elbow. Alyssa whispered to Max and Cecil. The two of them nodded excitedly.

The looks that they were exchanging were a little suspicious. But I didn't say anything about it.

"Sounds like a lot of fun~" Alyssa said in a sing-song voice.

"Not really."

"Whatever do you mean?" Max asked.

"You'll get to be with Will!" Cecil added.

Maybe that's the problem.

"Don't glorify Solace. He isn't that amazing." I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever floats your boat." Alyssa sighed. I coughed again and wiped my mouth.

There was a little scratchy feeling in the back of my throat, so I coughed again to try and get rid of it. It didn't go away as I had hoped. Instead I started hacking violently. It felt like my lungs were about to burst.

Their faces paled as they noticed the shit condition I was in.

"Someone get Will!" I heard Max whisper-yell. Cecil nodded and sprinted out of the room. "We should leave."

They shot me a worried as I coughed again, and they were gone. Some saliva coated my lips and arm. Honestly, it was disgusting. I was in the middle of a cough when Will barged in looking frantic. He rushed by my side and placed a hand on my burning forehead.

Will placed half of an ambrosia square in my mouth and forced me to chew. A few sips of nectar helped it go down. I was still coughing uncontrollably, but I guess it was a little better. He took a napkin and wiped the saliva off my mouth. I was grateful for that. I closed my eyes when a cool wet cloth was pressed to my forehead. Somehow it stayed in place when he let go. He hummed a little as he began to unravel the bandages covering my gash. I coughed into my other arm, as Will was tending to the other one.

Once he was done, he stayed on his knees by my side. Will still hadn't said anything. All he did was rub my arm soothingly. I shrugged him off and buried my head under my numerous blankets and pillow.

"Fight me." I managed to say in between coughs.

"Maybe later."

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