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Nico's POV

I had my coughing spree. Now I was hiding out underneath my blankets, occasionally peeking out for a breath of fresh infirmary air. My face was a little flushed from the heat - and maybe from embarrassment as well. I was cringing just remembering what had happened a mere five minutes ago.

Will has witnessed me looking like that.

It was not my best look; messy hair, dark bags, saliva, and probably smelling a little. I couldn't even shift around without Will freaking out, worrying about my unstable health.

"Unstable my ass." I had told him from beneath the covers... after threatening to fight him. He simply laughed it off, as if it were nothing. One was not supposed to take a threat from the Ghost King, embodiment of darkness, lightly. I grumbled in protest.

Time had passed. I knew that Will was still in the room, watching over me. I peeked my head out from my makeshift burrito and took a deep breath.

"You should keep your head out, di Angelo." He said.

"Don't tell me how to run my life, Solace." I huffed in annoyance.

I was a little startled when he suddenly stood up and made his way over to me. Being the cruel person he is, Will ripped the blanket off my head in one swift movement. He leaned down to whisper something to me, his hot breath tickling my ear, "Doctor's orders." I glanced up to see him smirking.

Gods damnit. How could he be so evil?

"Nico, you need to breathe." He stood back up and crossed his arms.

"I was breathing." I crossed my arms too, trying to look defiant.

"Underneath a layer of blankets!"

"So? Your point is?"

He let out an exasperated sigh. Will smiled at me, but there was something off about it. His smiled looked worn and forced. I noticed the dull look in usually bright eyes. He didn't look like himself at all. Will was the doctor here, he should be worrying about me, but at the moment I couldn't help feel anxious.

"I will."

I tugged the sleeve of his ugly white doctor's jacket, pulling him down to sit on the bed. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Why would you ask that?"

"I'm not an idiot, Will. I can see that you aren't really yourself today."

"I'm fine, just a little stressed, that's all." He looked away.

I didn't want to pressure him into telling me, he could do it on his own accord. So I nodded and tried to avert my gaze somewhere else.

"I need to pee." I said. I hadn't used the bathroom in a few days, and I was starting to realize the consequences of holding it in. Will chuckled lightly and helped me out of bed. With one arm wrapped around my waist, he slowly led me to the bathroom where I had taken my bath earlier today. It was hard to believe that just this morning I had been eating pancakes and reading The Fault In Our Stars.

"I'll wait outside, just in case."

"Okay." Closing the door behind me, I did my business and washed my hands after. There was a dark blue toothbrush sitting in a cup. Kayla had given it to me along with a small container of toothpaste. I brushed my teeth, tasting the mint on my tongue. I finished my business and went back out, scowling at all the fuss Will was making.

He led me back to my room. I insisted that I get into bed myself and he obliged with a little pout. After I'd made myself comfortable, one of Will's siblings stuck their head through the curtains.

"Will. The campfire is starting in five minutes. You coming?"

I saw the hesitation in his eyes. We made eye contact.

'Go, I told you I'm fine.'

'You sure?'


'If you insist.'

He nodded, making sure I knew he understood what I was telling him.

"Uh, yeah, I'm coming," he said. "Do you need anything else?" He asked me one last time.

"Could you maybe push the curtains back? It feels a little stuffy."

He didn't say a word as he opened up the side curtains.

"Okay. I'll be going now. Take care, Death Boy."

"Have fun." I whispered as he left, making small talk with his other sister.

It was silent for a moment; the faint beeping of heart monitors and occasional cough or sneeze. The infirmary without Will felt weird. The whole place felt off when he wasn't here laughing, smiling, and generally cheering patients up. I never thought that I could miss him like this. Really, he was just a boy. An incredibly beautiful and sweet boy.

I leaned back and closed my eyes, and let out a tired sigh.

"I guess it's just you and me." The person - a female, I assumed - let out a soft laugh.

I hadn't noticed that there was a girl in the bed next to me. She had platinum blonde hair in a pixie cut. Her light blue eyes were warm, but filled with intelligence. She sat up, wincing a little, and shook her fringe out of her face.

"And you are?" I questioned her.

"Paige Turner, daughter of Athena."

I slapped my hand over my mouth, trying to hold back laughter. Oh, the irony in her name. After a while, I didn't bother in stopping the loud eruption of laughs and giggles coming from me.

"Yeah, yeah. Go on, make fun of me, I'm used to it." Paige sighed.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry." I hiccuped. She simply brushed it off. It took me a while to calm down, but once I did, she spoke again.

"So, why are you here?"

"I guess you could say an overuse of powers. Too much Underworld-y stuff, if you ask Will. You?"

"I got a pretty deep cut on my abdomen." She did an awkward finger gun thing with both hands. "But hey, I'll be out in a couple days."

"Me too, thank the gods."

Paige nodded in agreement, then let out a loud yawn.

"It's the medication..." She whispered before closing her eyes and falling asleep.

I decided to try and sleep too. So I turned over in bed and tucked the sheets up to my neck. The window was still open, allowing the cool night air into the room I now shared with Paige. The laughter in the distance lulled me into closing my eyes, and I sent a quick prayer for a dreamless sleep.


I'm thinking of adding some Jason action in the next chapter because we all know that he's the #1 Solangelo fangirl. Remember that Nico's first day in the infirmary is coming to a close! I have a lot of cute Solangelo moments in store.

Cecil, Lou Ellen, Max, Alyssa, and Paige will also be in some chapters. My three OC's are potential friends of Nico and Will. They're the new Seven, amirite or amirite?

Vote, comment, and share if this chapter wasn't too shitty ;))

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