A Little Curious

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It was the next morning, about 5 o'clockish. This was the normal time that Locket would wake up at each morning. But, this time it was diffrent. Instead of being in her own bed, home, region, she was in a diffrent bed, home, region.

Somehow during the night Locket had shifted in her sleep to a strange position. She lays on her stomach. Her left arm lays out in front of her - bent to lay on her head. Her right arm was hugging Chespin. While her legs were sprawled out in diffrent directions.

Yawning, Locket fluttered her eye's open. She felt a wetness along her left cheek and wipped it off. Apparently she had drooled allover her left side and a bit on the pillow. Sitting up, Locket moved her arm from Chespin to rub her eye's. She looked over to see that she was asleep in Armor's bed next to him.

With a semi tired motion Locket slowly climbed out of the bed. She knew for a fact that she, herself, had decided to go into his bed last night.

It was cold over the night so Locket had woken up shivering. Chespin was also shivering in her sleep at the coldness. Locket had gotten up from the couch to find a blanket, but found nothing but Armor's blankets on his bed.

Instead of asking to borrow a blanket Locket had just carried Chespin over and climbed in the next to Armor. She knew that he wouldn't mind a bit since they were cold and had nothing else to sleep with, plus what harm would be done by sleeping?

Yawning Locket picked up Chespin and carried him over to the couch again.

Soundly, Locket tuened the T.V on. She flipped through several channels until she found a show called "Poke'now!"

"I wonder when he usually wakes up?" Locket said to nobody in particular. She looked over to Armor, who was still asleep, than to Chespin, who was now awake.

"Good morning sleepy head!"

The spiky nut pokemon looked up to Locket with tired eyes. He smiled as he snuggled closer to Locket. The warmth that radiated from his tiny body was a nice feeling to the girl.

"While we wait how about we decide on where to go next, Chespin!"

Chespin squealed in delight at hearing of the start of their travelling.

"Alright! Let's look." Locket bent over to grab a map that was on the table in front of them and opened it up.

Inside was an entire map of Kalos! The city they were in at the moment happened to be the south half of Lumious City.

"Want to go to Ambrette Town next?" Locket asked quietly. She was pointing towards a small looking town. To get there they would have to go through
Camphrier Town.

"Pin! Ches!" Chespin exclaimed. He was smiling happily.

"Good than we'll go there!"

Locket looked over to where Armor was sleeping. He looked peaceful and comfortable.

Although she would like to wake up the boy, it was best to let him rest.

Sighing, Locket returned her attention to the T.V screen. Instead of watching the show she thought to herself.

I wonder if it would be rude to leave without saying goodbye.... I mean I didn't say goodbye to my family, but Armor is my first real friend. Besides he let me stay here for the night.


Locket wiped her head around to see Armor getting up from his bed. His spiky top half of hair was messed up. Along with his side swept bangs and pajamas.

"Good morning!" Replied a cheerful Locket. She quickly grabbed the map she had been staring at earlier and showed it to Armor, who was now behind the couch.

"We're going to Ambrette Town next! Do you want to come?"

Blinking several times Armor nodded. He had always wanted to go to Ambrette Town. Ambrette Town was the top place to go for some relation and fun in the sun.

"Of course! Thank you for inviting me along. When do we leave?"

Chespin gave a grunt when Locket moved him aside. He knew the boy liked Locket, but was too shy to admit it. Perhaps there was a way that he could force a wedge between the two. After all Chespin was Locket's pokemon and best friend, not Armor.

Glancing at the time on the T.V., Locket smiled brightly. The time read 5:40 a.m.

"How about now?"


Locket walked into Camphrier Town happily. She had Chespin sitting on her head, not giving a care in the world. Armor was trailing close alongside looking around the small town.

Even though they were just passing by, it was still nice to look around.

"Hurry up Armor! I can see Route 7 from here!"

It was true! They really could see Route 7 from their current distance.

Quickly Locket ran towards the route. Her long puffed hair trailing in the wind.

Suddenly Locket could see a small gray feline pokemon. She grabbed her pokedex to see what would pop up.

"Espurr, the feline pokemon. The organ that emits its intense psychic power is sheltered by its ears to keep power from leaking out."

Locket stated at the Espurr for several moments. There was something about it that intrigued Locket. She looked up to Chespin, who also had taken a certain interest to the feline pokemon.

Chespin bent his head slightly. He felt as if the Espurr were lost or looking for something.

"When we get close enough could you ask if she wants to join us?"

Carefully Locket approached the Espurr. She was sure to keep quiet, moving ever so slowly until she was a meet centimeters away.

Armor took notice of Locket's sudden change in behavior. He watched from afar at Locket's sneaking abilities. She seemed to be doing just fine.

"Excuse me, Espurr?" Locket finally spoke up. She was now face to face with the Espurr.


"Ches. Pin, pin, chespin."

The two pokemon began talking. The Espurr smiled several times, but kept up with her adamant nature of seeing things. Chespin understood the Espurr, seeing as his nature was a serious one.

Turning to Locket, Chespin smiled happily. He cheered "ches, pin, ches!" In delight.

Apparently the Espurr wanted to join them after all. Good thing Locket didn't have to force battle her first caught pokemon to join them after all

"Alright! Go pokeball!"

Locket held out her pokeball to Espurr. The Espurr gladly hit the centered button and entered the pokeball.

The pokeball shock several times before it stopped, showing that Espurr had been successfully caught.

"We did it! Our first new pokemon friend, Chespin!"

"Pin! Pin!"

Armor smiled as he approached the happy partner's. Although a battle hadn't been fought, he knew they would all become good friends.

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