Reflections Within

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"Pictures of the sky! My life is so great!" Singsonged a girl with faded blue hair. She flew in the air with her Talonflame nicknamed Birdmouse. The bird Pokémon had her trainer on it's back as they soared through the beautifully colored sky, high above the clouds.

Spreading her hands out as if they were wings, the girl smiled as her female Talonflame flew around. The bird Pokémon took a daring move and swooped down, heading towards an ocean, at a fast pace. Tucking in her wings, the bird Pokémon bolted down towards the water before extending her wings to glide above the ocean. The girl on Talonflame's back stared into the water as her Pokémon and her soared above it.

"My life is so great!"


"Locket? It's time to wake up." A voice sounded.

Huh? It was just a dream?! What a bummer!

Yawing, a girl with faded blue hair rose from her sleep. A trail of salvia trickled down the corner of her mouth as the girl stretched her arms above her head. Nothing could feel better than getting a wake up call - NOT!

"What time is it?"

"It's only 7:30 a.m. Boy, did you sleep in. Judging by the drool on your chin you probably had a good dream, am I right?" Asked a girl with pink hair tied in two neat pigtails on the tops of her head. The girl got up from her friends bed before walking over to table covered with breakfast.

"Yeah, thanks for waking me up Aria. I can't wait to check out Reflection Cave!" Cheered Locket. After everything she'd gone through in the past few days, taking a break to look at a cave full of mirror like walls seemed like fun.

"Ches!" Squeaked a short green Pokémon. The spiky nut Pokémon peaped his head out from under the covers that he shared with his trainer. The little Chespin looked absolutely full of energy! The color of his green coat gleamed in the lit room.

"Chespin! Did you sleep well?" Asked Locket. She noticed her feline Pokémon klinging onto Chespin's right arm in it's sleep. Smiling, Locket pet her Pokémon's heads.

Getting out of bed, the gray eyed girl grabbed a piece of toast from the table that Aria sat at. The toast was buttered to stretch out across the corners.

Taking a breif moment to find the best looking side, Locket bit into her toast.

Through her chewing the performer looked around the room for Armor. Ever since the night before it seemed like he was trying to avoid her. Perhaps it was because of the way he always gave help but never recived it.

"Aria? Where's Armor?" Locket asked when she had finished eating her toast.

Giving a glance to the door, Aria got up from her seat. She grabbed her things and Locket's wrist.

Taking the hint, Chespin jumped out of bed with Espurr now awake. The tiny feline levitated her trainer's backpack out the door with the rest of her friends.

Without a single word spoken the group made their way to Reflection Cave. Once the trainers stood in front of the cave entrance the gymnist let go of the performers wrist.

"Armor said that he wanted to go to Reflection Cave for a bit to find things out - alone. He also said that as soon as you woke up that it would be okay again for us to join him again." Aria stated flatly.

Concern filled the once excited gray eyes of Locket's. Hopefully her friend was okay and wasn't upset because of her.

"Why have us join him after I woke up? Is it something I did or say to make him upset?" Locket asked. Worry filled her voice as she looked into the cave. "We have to find him so I can apologise!"

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