Round 2

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Looking around at everyone made the performer suddenly come to tears. Moving on was never easy, especially when your mind is already decided and set in place.

"Locket? Is everything alright?" Sage asked. Her usual blank face sparking some emotion.

The group of friends made a giant circle around Locket, hugging her tightly. Nobody but the gray eyed girl herself knew why she was crying.

"Thanks guys... I needed that. I'm really gonna miss you all."

Aria separated from the hug with a gasp. Was she hearing this correctly? Locket was leaving them!?

"Hold it right there! Want to explain what you mean by I'm really gonna miss you all?"

Pulling away, Locket gestured towards a nearby building. On the buildings sign read 'Now Boarding To Several Different Region's!'

"I've decided to continue run- traveling. I figured; since become a performer wasn't my true dream, that I could keep traveling to find out what my true dream really is. There's a lot that I still need to figure out about my life and I know I'm not one to stay in one place too long."

The gymnast sighed in defeat. Knowing Locket, it was best to just let her do as she pleased.

"Fine, I support you in this decision. Just promise me that you'll keep in touch?" Aria asked while she embraced her friend once more.

"I promise."

Sage sent out her Reuniclus, nicknamed Losis, and Greninja, nicknamed Froja. The two Pokémon each held an item, a photo book and a cell phone.

Taking the items, Locket examined them. The photo book was a lime green, decorated with star stickers. The cell phone was pink and programmed with all the friends numbers on speed dial.

"For those who don't know - I'm a follower of Olympia. I study future sightings and other things of the sort and just happened to have a vision of this possibly happening."

Locket nodded, putting away the photo book and cell phone. When she looked up again it was Navi who was holding his hand out.

"It's been a pleasure knowing you."

Taking the hand, Locket smiled. She only knew Navi for a short time, but he was still very kind. Locket took her han back after a moment to reach for two Pokéball's in her backpack.

Out came Chespin and Meowstic! The two were smiling as they looked at everyone.

Aria teared up when the spiky nut Pokémon smiled at her. Knowing that little guy was great! Seeing him leave - he still looked great.

"One second." The gymnast released her Kirlia, Altaria, and Braxien from their Pokéball's. The Pokémon smiled from ear-to-ear.

"It's time for all of us to say good-bye.

Slowking, Froja, Losis, Chespin, Meowstic, Braxien, Kirlia, and Altaria all exchanged a look of sadness. In one motion the Pokémon were all in a group hug.

The trainers smiled at their Pokémon. One thing caught everyone's attention - Meowstic was holding something with Chespin.

"What are they holding?" Locket asked, bringing some attention to herself.

"Hold that thought! Speaking of holding..." Aria said. She elbowed Armor's arm as she went on. "Why aren't you saying good-bye, Armor? Is there something you're not telling us?"

The male instantly flushed when Locket looked at him. Something about the way she smiled gave him confidence.

"You see I'm going with Locket." The male smiled. His face turned red when he glanced to Chespin and Meowstic, realizing the item they had. It was a Pokémon egg...


"I've never left anything in a Professors care before. How does it work?"

After a long hour of good-byes, Locket and Armor were now inside the airport. The plane to Alola would be boarding within 45 minutes.

Staring at a video transfer caller was Locket and Armor. The performer and her feline Pokémon had decided it would be best if they left the egg and herself, Meowstic, with the Professor. However, Armor did say the egg would hatch faster by traveling with it and Meowstic. But Locket wanted to try something new on her new journey and figured this would be for the best.

"You just call him up, ask if he can hold them, and there." Armor explained.

Nodding, Locket called up Professor Sycamore.

The professor answered within minutes. He didn't seem too busy at the moment and was glad to hear from the girl.

After awhile of talking, Locket transfered her Egg and Meowstic to the professor. She smiled before ending the video call, looking to Armor.

"Ready to go?"


The two friends walked towards their plane, ready to start another new journey. Hopefully full of relaxation!

Little did they know of three girls watching them from their seats already on the plane. What looked to be the leader of the group, smiled softly.

"Looks like the light really is going to the next Region with us..."

The Journey To Be Continued In The Next Book Volume!

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