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"We made it!" Yelled an over excited girl.

The current time was 8:40 a.m. The pokemon around were just waking up, so the journey to Ambrette Town was quiet easy. Armor had zoned out several times thinking on future plans. While Locket and Chespin happily talked with their newly caught friend, Espurr.

"Espurr, I'm aiming to become a top performer! Do you think you'll want to join me and Chespin on stage by performing with us?" Locket was carrying both Chespin and Espurr in her arms. They had both shifted to look up at her talking. Espurr seemed pleased to be joining and nodded her head happily.

"Than let's do this together!"

Armor chuckled at the girl's enthusiasm. She really was full of energy no matter what time of day.

Suddenly the girl let out a squeal of delight. Armor quickly ran up to see what had captured her attention. It was none other than Ambrette Town's beach!

There were several people playing in the creamy colored sand. Several other's were fishing or swimming at a safe distamce away from the fishers.

Armor looked back to Locket, who was smiling big at her pokemon. She looked really happy with the veiw of the beach.

"Have you ever been to a beach before?" Armor questioned.

The disappointed look in the girl's grey eyes told the male that she hadn't. A soft look replaced the disappointed one after several moments.

"When I was little things were different for me. You wouldn't understand..."

The words hurt the male trainer. He felt bad for the girl. But, why wouldn't he understand? For all he knew Locket was just a normal looking girl!

A hesitant hand found it's way to Locket's shoulder. She looked over to Armor and gave a weak smile. She didn't know what she would do without a friend like him. Armor was a good guy and great at cheering her up so far.

"Pin! Pin!"

Locket returned her attention back her Pokemon to see an eager Chespin. He had a look of reassurance in his eyes. Letting his trainer know that she was able to be free now to do as she wished.

Espurr gave an encouraging lick to Locket's arm. She wanted to help her trainer just as much as Chespin.

"Thanks you guys... Let's go have some fun in the sun!"

With saying that the female trainer ran towards the beach with her pokemon in her arms. She breathed in the cool beach breeze and sighed happily.

"I love this Region so much!" Locket cried out once she had made it onto the sandy beach. She looked around for a building to go change into her swimsuit and found one close to a lifeguards post.

Before Locket could run to go change she heard panting from behind. Of course, she had forgotten about Armor!

Apologetically Locket turned around. She patted her male traveling partner lightly on the back. She really didn't mean to leave him behind to chase after her.

"I'm so so so sorry, Armor! I should've told you I was going to run."

Finally having his breath under control, Armor laughed. He was a bit upset at being left behind, but understood the girls excitement. She had claimed to never have been to a beach before. So of course she'd be want to hurry to get some fun.

"No, no it's fine. Why don't we go get changed?" The dressing facilities seemed empty enough for them to go change in without interruption.

With a happy nod both trainer walked into their separate changing areas, leaving Chespin and Espurr to wait outside.


After the trainer's had gotten changed they made their way over towards a rental equipment area.

Of course the two smaller pokemon followed closely behind. Espurr couldn't help but notice her trainers swimsuit.

Locket's swim suit was pink in color. It was a two piece that was wrapped securely around her neck; the lower half was covered by a shirt. Her hair was neatly fixed into a high ponytail in the back. On Armor - he wore a blue colored swim trunks. His hair remained the same.

Armor had insisted on having Locket try something completely fun and memorable as her first beach experience. What was the experience going to be? Why jet ski of course! Only there would be nobody being dragged behind to glid over the water.

Since the girl was one for trying new things, she happily agreed in doing so. The two rented a green jet ski and life jackets before taking a seat on the jet ski.

Since Locket had little to no idea how to drive a car let alone a jet ski, Armor sat infront with Locket behind him. To prevent any accidents Locket left her Chespin and Espurr near the life guard post.

"You ready?" Armor was looking to Locket from behind. The girl gave a brave smile to show she was okay. Deep down she was shaking with fear. Although she had a life jack on she had no idea how to swim which greatly worried her.

The jet ski was now turned on and was slowly starting to move forward. Locket wrapped her arms around Armor's waist so she wouldn't fall off when the jet ski starting to go faster.

Locket clung onto Armor for dear life. The action nearly startels Armor, but he manages to keep a sturdy hold. "Are you okay back there?" The male trainer asks above the strong wind whipping barrier.

"J-just great!" Locket yells back as loud as she can. She's shivering into the boy's back with fear. Her face soon finds it's way into Armor's back, her breath can be felt: shaky.

Hesitantly Armor looks back again. He keeps a keen eye on his surroundings before letting go of one of the handel bars. He reached back and gently touched her head. Locket looked up with petrified eyes, but they soon relaxed when she saw how calm her friend was.

"I'm okay, really."

Flushing a light pink Armor looked away, back to steering the jet ski. If the girl said she was okay than he trusted her. To his surprise the arms around his waist relaxed more.

For the next hour or so the two kept on jet sking. Taking in the sight of water type pokemon, talking above the wind, and smiling.

"We did it!" Cheered Locket when the two had made it back to shore. Armor chuckled lightly. He listened to the girl ramble on and on as they returned the rental jet ski.

"AND! I'm just so thrilled about doing that! We should come back again sometime and do it again."

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