Helping Her

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"But what if she doesn't wake up! Neither Aria nor myself knows about her family. She only ever mentioned them once..." Spoke a male's voice. The way his tone was scared the half awake Locket.

"I'll do anything to help her recover, Nurse Joy! She's too special of a person for me to just let her stay like this." The voice said that last part in a barely auditable whisper.

Armor? Is that you? Groaning, Locket slowly moved her hands, that helped her realised that she was laying on a bed.

The bed shook as the weight of something pressed on it. A pair of gray eyes slowly opened to be met by green eyes staring directly at her.

"H-hey." Locket spoke up after several quiet moments of staring. She smiled at her male friend Armor when he averted his eyes from her.


Both trainers looked over to see Nurse Joy holding a clipboard. The nurse smiled at her found attention and began to jot down something on her clipboard.

"Now that she's up, I think I'll leave to two to catch up. If she needs anything please call me." Nurse Joy smiled before exiting the room.

Is it me or did Nurse Joy just wink at us? It was probably just to show that she was happy that I'm awake.

Arching her back, the performer looked around the room she was in. The walls were painted white, a mini desk by the side of her bed, a T.V., and Armor - who was sitting crisscrossed in front of her. The look on the males face was a mixture of happiness and embarrassment.

"What time is it?"

Slightly startled, Armor looked at anywhere but Locket. He didn't like he wanted to speak just yet but did anyway.

"It's 6:00 p.m. which means you missed the showcase..."

Sadness filled the girls eyes as she stared down at her hands. This day was supposed to be the day were she won her first princess key but thanks to Angel... It was ironic that her name had Angel in it when she didn't act like one, more like an angel of darkness.

"You okay?" Armor asked snapping the girl out of her thoughts.

"Yeah, so what if I missed this showcase because of Angel. I'll just wait until the next one comes around." A hint of bitterness sounded at the mention of Angel Wing's name.

Armor noticed how upset Locket looked and did the only thing he could think of. He hugged her to where Locket's chin rested on his right shoulder.

To the male trainers surprise, he felt Locket nuzzle the side of his face.

"Can I ask you something, Armor? This is serious." Whispered Locket her eyes glazed over with tears that threatened to fall at any moment.

"Of c-course."

With a sigh the girl finally returned the hug by wrapping her arms around the males neck.

Closing her eyes to prevent her tears from falling, Locket whispered what she wanted to ask.

"Why are people so... strange to understand? I've never truly had contact with outsiders before setting out on my journey. So, why doesn't Angel like me?"

Lifting a hand, Armor rested it behind Locket's head. He didn't know what the right words would be to say. The whole 'outsiders' got him a bit concered as to why his friend used such a strange way of referring to people. Perhaps that meant she had been isolated throughout her youth?

"Locket, I have no real idea how your past was like... I'm a bit concerned to be quiet frank, but there is one thing I know. People are hard to understand because we all have our own way of showing our emotions. Maybe Angel does like you in her own way? I lov- lik- admire you for being you. I promise that I wouldn't try anything on purpose to ever break you heart." Armor said, mumbling that last sentence to himself. He could feel all the blood rush to his face at realizing how he just let some of his feelings pour into the conversation.

Giggling, Locket pulled back from the hug.

"W-what's so funny?" Flustered Armor asked. His face burned so much that he could almost guaranty that Locket could feel the radiation.

Taking Armor's hand, Locket jumped out of the bed. She intertwined her fingers with the soft ones of Armor's before dragging the overly flushed boy out with her.

"L-locket! W-where are we going?!"

Silence was his answer. That is before he was dragged into the small cafeteria of the Pokémon Center.

She just wanted food?

"Let's eat some food! I'm starving!" Locket smiled, releasing the males hand.

Almost as if on cue, Aria had choosen to walk up to Armor. She whispered something to him that earned his blush to grow impossibly larger.

"Aria! Armor! Can you please get me something? I want to go retrieve Chespin and Espurr. Those two are probably good and healed by now."

Before the performer could run off she felt a hand grab her wrist. Turning around, Locket looked down to see Aria had grabbed her wrist.

"I got their Pokéballs right here for ya." Aria said as she presented two shrunked Pokéball's.

"Wow! Thank you so much Aria!"

Both Pokéball's were thrown into the air to release two hungry looking Pokémon.

"Ches! Purr!" Cried the two Pokémon in union. They jumped onto their trainers shoulders with a smile as the trio headed towards the all-you-can-eat table.

I wonder what I should eat? Locket thought to herself before to hugged her two Pokémon's heads.

I really missed you both. Even if it was only for a little bit.

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