Training To Win

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"Ready to get down to business! Master Class is tomorrow and you need to be fully prepared for what's going to happen!" Exclaimed an eager gymnast.

Aria had gotten up extra early just so she could help her friend train. With all her knowledge about how tough bigger competition's are, Locket had in listed Aria's help.

The morning had not only surprised the pigtailed girl, but also two sleeping friends.

When the gymnast went to wake up Locket she was greeted with something very unexpected.

Locket and Armor were sleeping together; embracing each other closely - not letting the other go in their sleep. The male had his arms wrapped securely around the performers head while the performer was pressed into his chest. She was holding his waist close, legs notted together under the covers.

Although Aria would've loved to take a picture of the moment, she didn't. She figured the male would be plenty embarrassed enough when she woke them. Which in fact did happen....

Aria woke up the two by simply throwing a pillow between them. At first neither of the two noticed their extra visitor. The male had his eyes open staring into gray dreamy eyes. That is until he heard a "morning you two" from behind.

Going back to the present, Locket stood with her Chespin and Meowstic on Route 21. The route was abandoned by any trainers at the moment which made it a perfect area to train in.

Aria stretched her arms out and instructed the performer to do the same.

Locket followed and soon enough her Pokémon were too.

"Everything depends on your first move. One false turn or move and it's all over. So remember to stay focused on the routine."

Nodding, Locket narrowed her eyes. Competing in Master Class was an honor. Yet it was also a challenge. Unlike Rookie Class Showcases, the Master Class wpuld not have any theme performances. On top of that you would need to be extra coordinated. Any false move would lose you a great deal of points from the audience.

"Good, now-" The gymnast began but stopped at a rustling coming from some bushes nearby.

Whispering to Locket, Aria grabbed a Pokéball.

"Either that's an opponent trying to gain intell on your performance for tomorrow. And or it's a Pokémon that is just passing by."

The bushes rustled more until a head popped itself into the air. Following the head was a Greninja as well.

"Sage!" Locket cheered.

The red head smiled sheepishly toward her friend. Stepping out of the bush, Sage pulled her Greninja with her. The water type was covered with leaves, dirt, and mud but didn't seem to mind.

"How have you been! What bring you here?" The performer asked. Her voice gave way to curiosity as she forgot about her training.

So much for being focused... Aria couldn't help a glance at Chespin and Meowstic. The two were obviously confused at the new girl. Good thing there's more than one of us that's confused.

"Aria, meet Sage. Sage, meet Aria!"

The pigtailed girl snapped out of her thoughts when the red head stood several inches away. With a polite hand, Aria extended it as a greeting. Sage took her hand and shook it.

"Nice to meet you Sage."

"Nice to meet you too."

The two dropped their hands and looked to Locket. The gray eyed girl was busy tieing her shoes.

With the performers attention gone Sage decided to narrow her eyes. She glared daggers at Aria for a moment before turning around to Greninja.

"Where you doing that to me or lost in thought?" The gymnast asked. There was an edge to her voice. Needless to say she still held her Pokéball in hand from earlier.

"Isn't obvious? I was directed that to you. Don't think I don't know what you're doing. You're trying to get Locket's hopes up only to only have them crushed when she finds out that it's never okay to practice a Master Class performance in the outdoors."

Aria's jaw dropped at this. How had it nor occured earlier that this training was a bad idea. She was a gymnast after all, but was prepping to become a performer soon.

"What- I... You... Look, I'm a travelling gymnast. I'm still new to Pokémon Showcases. Cut me some slack will ya? It's not like you could train her any better."

The two looked over at their shared friend, who was now stabding up with a smile. Quickly Aria ran behind the performer to grab both of her elbows. A quick "follow my lead" was whispered before the gymnast smirked to the red head.

"Well now, since I'm Sage I must know everything there is about performing. I know how to dress, like a sporty person with her Pokémon having dirty leaves on them."

Sage faced the pig tailed girl with bitterness in her yellow eyes. Just as she was about to walk away she heard the gymnast take a long sigh.

"Also I can dish it but I can't take it. Now I must run home to my mommy and tell her about the bully."

That was it. This gymnast needed to be taught a lesson in manners and behavior.

"Froja use Water Shrunken."

The frog like Pokémon created a water shuruken using his hands and fired it the gymnast.

On instinct Aria tossed her Pokéball out to reveal her Braxien.

"Mirror Coat!"

The fire fox bounced the attack back, but the targets where already gone.

"Hey! Are you two okay?!"

It was Armor who had run to his friends and noticed a paralyzed performer on the ground and an angry gymnast.

Did Aria do this? It doesn't seem like she would do this, but maybe...

"Okay! That's enough training today. How about we go have some dinner? I made spaghetti."

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