Chapter 10

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It's been a few months since Jay came back to the US. It feels good to know that he's closer to home. We text all the time and I call him at least every other night.

Also summer is around the corner, we only have a week a left then break. Summer is the busiest time for the crew. We travel everywhere and anywhere. We already have 5 shows lined up for the month of June and that starts on the last day of school. I don't know when I'll see Jay again but I do want to make a trip out there for him.

I missed his birthday so I feel bad. My birthday is in July so maybe I'll go out there around that time.

"Kaila! C'mon My Love, I'm taking you today!" My mom screamed from downstairs. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.

"So all the hot summer parties? I'm in!" Nikki squealed. I rolled my eyes, every year on the last day of school each class has their own end of the year party. They get pretty crazy but they're super fun. "I need to buy a new bikini," May said then turning to J.J. "my old one doesn't fit me apparently." "It doesn't! Half your ass is hanging out and one wrong move and your tit will appear." I rolled my eyes.

He's so protective over her. She may seem like the most innocent one here but trust me, May isn't.

"I need to buy a new one too." I said while picking at my food. Nikki clapped her hands together and smiled, "Let's go shopping?" We all looked at each other, when we go shopping with Nikki, we don't leave for days. "Not uh. May, Kaila, and I will go. You can take your brother and kill him." Jenny said, I nudged her. "She can be our ride." I said in Spanish. Jenny rolled her eyes, "Nevermind let's all go.." Nikki clapped her hands, "Yay!"

At the mall, Victoria Secret is having a sale, buy one bikini get the other half off. Jenny and I are together of course and May and Nikki are together. "Oh my gosh look at this one!" Nikki held up a bright pink with white polka-dot bikini top. "That's cute, I'd think it'll look good on you." Jenny tells her. Nikki is super white with light brown hair and green eyes, almost anything will look good on her. May got a baby blue bikini with black stripes, Jenny got a plain lavender bikini and I got an olive green one.

After that we went to lunch at a burger joint that's downtown. It was nice just to be with the girls for once. We sat in a booth, Nikki and May on one side, Jenny and I on the other. "You know what sucks?" Nikki said. "No but please enlighten me." May said. Nikki looked at Jenny, "Why do the youngsters get to have boyfriends and we old hags don't?" I rolled my eyes. For the girls, Nikki is the eldest, then Jenny, me, then May. We're in the same grade but this is birthday wise. Well it's not like Jenny can't get anyone, she just wants to focus on dancing and school. Nikki on the other hand is a different story. Behind the high pitched voice and over hyperactivity, she's the sweetest person you'll ever meet. I do feel a little bad now.

"Well Jenny is choosing to be single, it's just no one likes you." May said, way too bluntly. My head shot a shocked look at May and then shot towards Nikki when a heard a huff followed by a wimper. "Well fuck you too Maylene!" Then Nikki ran off, "Nikole! Come back!" I called after her. Jenny and I looked at May. "What?" She shrugged her shoulders at us. "You know how sensitive Nik is and that was a low blow.." I said. "That was really uncalled for Taylor."

Jenny and I left and ran out to the parking lot, and we were lucky because Nikki was just sitting in her car. I jumped in the front seat and Jenny sat behind me. Nikki was letting out small sobes. I rubbed her shoulder. "Does no one really like me?" I shook my head. "Don't let what May said get to you Nik." Jenny said. I looked at Nikki, "Nikki you know how guys our age are. Trust me there will be-no. There is a guy out here somewhere that likes you for you. Whether he be in America or Italy, he's here somewhere." She let out a huff, "I don't know too many guys in Italy like that." I smiled. "Well I figured since you spent your summers over there." She giggled. "Last year you mean?" I giggled too, "Yeah what was his name again? Marcus?" She giggled and shook her head, "Marco. Marco Rossi. Ya know, now that I think about it. He's the same age as Jay." I raised an eyebrow, "Really? Why didn't you go for him? You're dad already loved him." "Marco was a farmer's son. Daddy wants someone top class. A rich American basically." Jenny and I smiled but I shook my head.

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