Chapter 13

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That night I laid down and stared out my window. Elizabeth can't be alive. I saw her body and everything! I can't tell Carlos or else he'd go crazy. Right now I wish I could call Jay and talk to him. I miss him so much. I'm so stupid I can't believe I did that.

I turned over and looked at my phone. I wonder...

I grabbed my phone and put his number. Do you think he would answer?

Jay's POV

I stared at her number. I want to call bad. But I know she would ignore it. "Bro..." I heard Jehan come through my door. "Hey Bro, you want to go watch a movie?" I sat up and thought, I haven't been out for a while...maybe I should go out. I nodded. "Yeah give me a sec to get ready." I smiled. He smiled back and left.

That was nice. Hanging out with my brother, something I needed. Suddenly I got a call from Hep.

"Yo." "Jay! Guess what we're doing tomorrow night?" "What?" I could feel his smile, "We gon have a bomb ass night."

Kaila's POV

"Jesus Christ! Can you not?" Jenny screamed. Martin chuckled, "Well Sweetie, I'm very hungry and you're not eating it so...!" Then Martin took another bite from Jenny's plate, she looked at him with disgust and irritation. I shook my head.

Martin, Tommy, Jenny, Cam, and I went to go hang out today at the mall and right now we're eating lunch. "C'mon Man quit it." Cam told Martin. Martin rolled his eyes and ate off his plate. I smiled, it's nice being out.

"So...I didn't want to say anything but! We're going to Seattle next week." Tommy announced. Everyone looked at me but I shrugged my shoulders. "So what? We got to work," I chuckled, "look I'm not going to be looking for him. So no parties, no going out, just work."


Urrgggh. Didn't I say "no parties"? I rolled my eyes as Nikki dragged me through the place. Parties are getting worse. Nikki handed me a drink, "C'mon Kai, you can do it, have fun!" I sighed, she's right. I chugged the drink, "Yeah Kai!" Nikki took back her drink and we ran to go dance. Nikki and I danced together it was great! She's right...I can have fun. I smiled to the music as I danced.

Jay's POV

I shoved my way through this damn place. It's so fucking crowed. "Jay!" I saw some old friends, talked, and just stayed in the kitchen talking. Ya know, this house party shit is getting old, but then again I couldn't do this in high school cause I was in Korea most of the time.

There was a lot of screaming coming from the front of the house. What the hell?

"Ayo Jay come out here, they're having a battle!" Jr. screamed. We all went out and headed over.

Kaila's POV

I walked outside because it was super stuffy and someone stepped on my foot. I went and sat down on the porch, I put my drink next to me. The fresh air feels great, I took a deep breath as I relaxed.

Suddenly I heard Oh's and screaming so I went back in.

Everyone was in a circle, they started cheering. I tapped a girl on the shoulder, "What's going on?" "Dance battle." I started walking around trying to see but because I wasn't paying attention I bumped into someone and spilled my drink on them.

Jay's POV

Hep and I tried to move so we can see better but then someone shoved me and got their drink on me. I know it was a girl cause she kept saying "sorry" but when I looked up and saw her face my heart dropped. Her eyes locked on mine and we both froze. It's like time stopped and everything froze.

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