Chapter 12

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Home sweet home! It feels so...shitty. I don't want to be here. I want to be asleep until the end of time. I walked up to my room and put my stuff down and then laid on my bed face first.

"Urrrgh!" I'm horrible. I can't believe I broke up with Jay. You know...maybe it's for the best. I have Senior Year and dancing to focus on, mainly Senior Year.

Someone knocked on my door, "Come in!" I yelled. Dave came in and sat on my bed.

"Why did you brake up with Jay?" I sat up quickly. "How did you-" "Jenny told me. can't let this effect you like that. I mean I get it, it was dramatic and traumatizing for you but Jay isn't a bad guy." I sighed. "That's not it Dave. Please just drop it."

"No! I will not. You're not my little sister that loves to dance, makes everyone late cause you're putting your makeup on, and eats ice cream at 2am. All you do now is eat and sleep. You've been coming home early from rehearsal and it's actually a little more annoying than having to go look for you at 11pm on school night. When you were with Jay or thinking about him it made you even more happy. That's how I knew you were with someone, you had more pep in your step. I miss that Kai and I wish she'd come back. If you need to talk to someone else then go see the damn therapist."

I laid down and faced my window.

"You don't know." I said looking at the grey sky. "What don't I know?" David said, I could feel him lean a little closer to me.

"I feel like I have dirt on me and no matter how much I try to scrub it off it won't come off. I feel like I have this big pimple and everyone keeps staring at it." I stared at the sky, why is it so grey?

"The dirt will come off." He said as he put a hand on my head and started playing with my hair.

"But I'll be stained." A tear fell from my eye.

"Dirt doesn't stain Mija. It'll come off and go away."

I sat up and hugged Dave as I bawled in his chest. He rubbed my back and just let me cry it out.

"Jay wouldn't hurt you like that Kai. He seems like a good guy. Not that I'm telling you to worry about it were happy. I miss that Kai."

I looked up at Dave, "I do too."

Jay's POV

I laid in my bed and watched as the necklace spun for the thousandth time.

What was wrong with her?

Is it payback for not talking to her for a month?

No, I talked to her and she understood.

What is it?

"Jaebeom-ah! Come eat!" My mom yelled.

I don't even want to look at food, I want to look at her.

Suddenly my mom busted through the door, "Honey, I said 'Come eat'." I looked at her, "Not hungry." She walked over to my bed and sat next to me. "Honey, you haven't eaten in days. What's the matter, you won't talk to anyone." She put her hand on my thigh. "Just leave me be Mom." I turned on my side and kept staring at the necklace. Kaila...

Kaila's POV

A month later~~~

"Kaila Jasmine! Let's go we're gonna be late!"

Today is my cousin's, Lillia's wedding. I'm going to wear light grey, slim, halter gown. I put my hair up in a bun with a few curls hanging. Silver heels, and silver necklace. Ooo I look cute!

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