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Peter and I shared worried looks.

My heart was beating like a wild bird as Kheelan retreated into the forest with his clan.

"Who are you?" Peter forcefully asked, his green eyes darting between Knit-Wit and the other guard, as if challenging them.

Knit-Wit opened his mouth to speak, but he was interrupted by the other guard.

"Don't speak to the prisoners." He grumbled as he turned his back on us, revealing the same scars that Kheelan had.

I stared at them curiously.

"They are the Outcasts," Knit-Wit said as he sat casually down in font if us, ignoring the other guard and his seething glare. "They were exiled by their Queen, stripped of their wings and magic because of their crimes."

My eyes fell to the guards back and I shivered at the thought.

"You speak as though you're not one of them." I pursed my lips in thought as I took him in curiously.

Knit-Wit shook his head. "I'm from a separate kingdom inhabited by the Winter and Fall Faeries."

Peter leaned forward in interest, as far as his constraints would allow. "There are different types of Faeries?"

"Well of course!" Knit-Wit scoffed, "I don't suppose all of you humans are exactly alike."

I couldn't help but laugh as Peter stammered out an apology, afraid he had offended the fiery Faery.

"Well," Knit-Wit continued after eyeing him, "We are all born dedicated to one of the four seasons. Our land, however is divided into two kingdoms."

"Those of the colder seasons." He said placing a hand in his chest.

"And those of  the warmer seasons." Knit-Wit finished, pointing a finger toward the other guard.

"Why were you exiled?" I asked.

Knit-Wit turned so that we could see his pale back, free of any blemish. "I left of my own freewill."

"Righteous Knit-Wit!" The guard mocked, but Knit-Wit continued.

" I was born without wings, you see, and that doesn't make you quite admired here. So, I left and joined the Outcasts."

"They don't seem to treat you very well." I murmured.

Knit-Wit shrugged. "The two kingdoms have bad blood due to a long bloody history, but the outcasts tolerate me for my magic. Although I do not appreciate the name they gave me, Knit is a very respectable name where I come from!"

"Kheelan didn't ask us to befriend the prisoners, Knit-Wit." The guard said, throwing us a scowl.

Knit only rolled his eyes dismissively before he got up quickly and grabbed the pouch that Kheelan gave him. "Oh he didn't? I must be becoming deaf as well as stupid."

"What are you doing?" Panic seemed to emerge on the guard's face.

Knit-Wit threw a quick wink in our direction before blowing the dust in the guard's face and stating, "I was really getting tired of his voice."

Peter and I stared at him shock, not certain what he would do next. We watched in silence as Knit-Wit pulled out a long jagged dagger from his belt a grin on his face, looking pleased with his decision.

"You must hurry!" Knit-Wit said as he knelt down next to use and began to cut through our ropes . "They will be returning soon."

"Why are you helping us?" Peter asked skeptically.

"I'm tired of taking Kheelan's orders."  Knit said with a shrug, his eyes glinting with excitement.

The ropes fell from us and I felt as if I was able to breathe again. My body ached as I straightened myself up and began to help Peter carry Finnegan to escape, but I stopped when I saw Knit standing there in place.

"You're not coming?"

"I don't think I'd really belong." He said with a sad smile.

"The group consisting of a human, a banshee, and a leprechaun? I don't think that would be a problem." Peter joked with an eyebrow raised in question.

"What do you say, Knit?" I asked while offering my hand for him to take.

He laughed, a joyful sound reminding me of bells, before he finally took my hand.

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