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I suppose it would have been better to plan a way to capture her rather than just chase after her, but my mind was focused on finding Fiona.

I forcefully tackled the Feary to the ground, but she kicked me away and readied her wings to escape. Before she could take off, however, she was pushed back and pinned to a tree.

I looked behind me to see Knit, his eyes blazing as he held out his hands. His lips moved constantly as he murmured his spell to hold her.

"Where's my sister?" I glared at her as Peter helped me up from the ground.

She raised her nose in the air. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't lie you filthy sprite, where's the girl?" Knit sneered.

The Faery's black eyes seemed to turn darker with anger.

"Do you think that a defective creature like you could exceed my magic, runt?"

She slowly pulled herself away from the tree and we all stepped back as we realized Knit's magic had not been strong enough.

"You will pay for your ignorance." She said darkly.

Her words sank like a stone in my stomach and I could sense what she anticipated to do next. The world seemed to slow as her deadly curse formed in her palm like a fiery ball of death.

I saw as her curse slowly raced towards Knit's chest, hissing as it went. I could feel the date it carried, like a sentence for the damned.

I pushed him aside, running in front of him and fell harshly to the ground from the sizzling impact. The Faery stumbled back from the force of her curse before she began to laugh cruelly.

"What did you do?" Peter worriedly raced to my side.

"A death curse." I was able to groan out as I sat up.

"Won't take long now." The Faery smiled coldly.

I was waiting for the impact when I could feel the death flowing in my veins, for I could feel death hanging in the air like a heavy cloud.

And yet, I strangely felt no different.

The Faery began to cough roughly and a look of shock took over her face as blood appeared on her hands.

"What did you do?" She shrieked in my direction.

A mixture of shock and relief washed over me and I could only guess that the spell had completely bounce off of me and hit her in return

"A Banshee isn't so easy to kill." I said as I got up close to her wide eyes, her wheezing was slowly becoming worse.

"Where's my sister?"

"I'll never tell you." She snarled.

"Not even for a cure?" Peter's eyes were determined as he held up the vial of the cure.

"Where did you get that?"

Peter tauntingly held the vial just out of her reach. "Tell us where her sister is and we'll give you the vial."

"Peter, no."

"It's my choice." He said sternly.

I pulled him aside and whispered sharply, "You're not giving this up! Besides, it doesn't even work yet."

"You remember what Finnegan first said to you? He said that your hair was stained with your mother's blood."

My breath hitched in realization. "A token of a life taken."

Peter brushed the hair away from my face as I shook my head vigorously.

"It still might work for you! You can't give it up." Tears began to fall from my eyes. "If you give this away, you can never leave Revenland."

"No more running, Blaire." His green eyes were swimming with emotion.

A look that to this day I still cannot fully shake.

Before I could argue he plucked a stand of hair from my head and placed it inside the vial, mingling it with the clear liquid.

The hair dissolved into a crimson red liquid before our eyes and the Faery licked her lips, her eyes full of desire.

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