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You looked around and smiled gently, it was December and you wouldnormally just settle down to a simple night in but you wondered ifmaybe you should invite Alfred over, it was a time for family andfriends and he was your best friend.

So calling him you waited for him to answer, he didn't answer and youwere just about to hang up, figuring he would call you later. Howeverbefore you pulled the phone away from your head you heard it bepicked up from the other line and Alfred's voice.

"Hello?" You smiled hearing him, "did you hang up?"

"No Alfred, hi." You said with a smile, "I was just calling youto ask if you would like to come over and spend the coming Equinoxand Yule over here." You invited.

"What?" Alfred asked and sounded very confused.

"Oh sorry, it's my culture's way of saying....Christmas I believeyou call it?" You asked after thinking for a bit.

"Really? Sure! That sounds awesome!" Alfred gave a laugh and yousmiled at that.

"Okay, the celebration starts on the 21st of thismonth." You said with a smile and Alfred spoke up.

"Wait, what? Christmas is the 25th."

"It's not so much Christmas here, but it is very close. It startswith the Winter Equinox on the 21st and then all the wayto Yule on the 25th." You explained and Alfred answeredwith a low whistle.

"Four days of celebration? Sounds like a party~!" Alfred gave hissignature hero laugh, "I'll see you then."

Two weeks later on the morning of December 21st Alfredshowed up and you smiled happily waving to him as he had come to yourhome and you opened it hugging him. "Welcome Alfie!" You gave agiggle and he hugged you back with a smile.

"Hey babe, so how do we do this celebration, huh?" He asked andyou smiled at him.

"Simple, tonight is the longest night of the entire year; we stayup all night and when the sun rises tomorrow I'll make some Apollosoup we can eat and then go to sleep. All of tomorrow we just rest,the 23rd we decorate, the 24th we bake, and the25th is Yule, or for you Christmas." You explained tohim and he smiled at you.

"Wow, that sounds really all laid out; like something Germany wouldplan." He said and you hummed.

"Well, part of the tradition came from Germany, or was at leastmodified from a Germanic country." You said and he blinked at you,"in Germany the tree may be put up but it isn't until right beforedinner on Christmas Eve that they will decorate the tree, then afterthey will have dinner. It's been modified though." You explained ashe blinked at you before smiling and ruffling your (hair color)tresses.

"You really do take on the nomadic style huh?" Alfred asked andyou smiled and nodded. Alfred was known as the melting pot, so he wasa lot like you in that way.

Turns out that Alfred would often stay up well into the wee hours ofthe morning playing his video games and so he was able to do iteasily, you two spent your time talking and trying to scare eachother silly with scary stories. You figured out that his strangecowlick told you a lot; when he was getting scared the cowlick wouldwiggle slightly.

You were practically dead on your feet as you made the soup and thenonce you two ate you went to sleep and he went to your guest room.The two of you slept to just before 14:00. The rest of that day andthe next two days you two just hung out, getting to know each othereven better. O f course you did what was needed, your home wascovered in holly, ivy, and green and red. The tree was decorated andthere was a tree outside which you two wrapped in stringed popcorn,cranberries, and pine cones rolled in peanut butter. The birds andsquirrels went nuts for it.

Then on the 25th you two spent the day together. Alfredgave you a present of a beautiful bust of (favorite superhero) whichwas beautifully sculpted and (his/her) coloring was perfect. (He/She)looked so real. For him you had a comic book to give him, one of yourcitizens was a comic book artist. You had introduced it to Alfred andhe had fallen for it, you had pulled a few strings and called in afavor or two and had gotten the newest issue; it wasn't even set tohit the shelves until half way through January.

The artist had even signed it, you hadn't asked for that but they haddone it. It was a big hit with Alfred in that.

Here we are; Ihope you guys like this. You have no idea how confusing Christmas is.I've lived in Pennsylvania for half my life and Florida in the otherhalf, the ways people celebrate it in these two places though theyare similar is still vastly different. Sorry people not living inAmerica, I don't know as much about what people do; imagine howpeople in Italy celebrate and how people in Germany celebrate is theclosest I can think it.

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