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You stroked your extended stomach with a gentle smile, if it wasn'tfor the fact that Alfred was so over protective you would be cleaningright now, or more likely playing with Alfred and Clark. You had beenmarried to Alfred for three decades now and you had one son, Clark.

Clark was now five and he was the personification of New York. Clarkhad your (wavy/straight/curly) (hair color) hair and your nose whilehe also had Alfred's bright blue eyes and his smile. When he was bornArthur and Francis were happy to be grandparents, considering theyboth raised Alfred and Matthew. Mattie also loved being a uncle andClark was just as bubbly as his father and couldn't wait to be a bigbrother.

You were pregnant again and the baby was due any day, you and Alfredhad decided to not find out which gender the baby was until they wereborn, same as Clark. Just like when you were pregnant with ClarkAlfred's protective side came in full force.

He insisted you stay off your feet as much as possible, prenatalvitamins, exercise in the water, the whole nine yards. He even gaveup his beloved burgers and would instead eat the healthy food hemade; salad, fruit, and vegetables as well as (favorite protein). Thefact he gave up eating McDonald's said something about how much hetruly loved you and the child growing inside you. And Clark wasfollowing in his father's footsteps and was doing everything a childcould to help you.

Alfred would even go to the store at four in the morning to pick up(random food to crave during pregnancy) and insisted that though youstill had to perform your duties as a country by doing paperwork andhaving video calls for meetings he made sure that you didn't stressto much. He'd even rub your feet and back.

Alfred right now was running around with Clark on his shoulders, thelittle one was pretending to fly. You got up and headed over to himwith a bright smile, "oh my lovely heroes." You cooed kissingAlfred on the lips and standing on your toes to kiss Clark's cheek.

"Yeah! I'm ma's hero!" Clark giggled happily with his New Yorkaccent, he held your hands up and he happily moved from his father'sshoulders. You held him and he rubbed your belly. "Come out soonlittle sibling so you can be my side kick!" He giggled and youcooed at how sweet he was.

"Careful little man, I'm mommy's hero." Alfred pouted as Clarkempathetically shook his head.

"No, I am!" He said as you gave a giggle, this was so cute andsweet it just might give you cavities!

"Oh you two; your both my hero." You said with a giggle kissingfirst Clark's forehead and then Alfred's lips. "And soon enoughwe'll have another hero, or a heroine." You added with a smirk andyour free hand took Alfred's.

"Yeah, I just might be the luckiest guy, Name." Alfred whisperedinto your (hair color) head as you hummed.

"That's what I think is my position Alfie; I'm married to the man Ilove more than anything, I bore his son and am pregnant with anotherchild, and my people are safe and happy." You smiled and he heldyou tighter one hand rubbing your stomach reverently with the utmostlove and care.

"I love you to babe, you and Clark and this little baby growinginside of you. Soon enough he or she will be coming out to meet meand Clark." He added as excited as a little kid on Christmasmorning.

Here we are, thelast of the Burger path. I hope you all liked it. It was a fun ridefor me.

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