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You giggled happily, Alfred had to travel for some trading with(country that is close to your island) and so he came to your islandto visit you. You liked his company and you liked his; a lot ofpeople found him annoying but you honestly really liked Alfred.

However how much you liked him you still had paperwork so you werebusy doing it, in your office there were only three kinds ofdecoration that, aside from the paperwork, would let anyone know thatthis office was even occupied; there was a bouquet of fresh (favoriteflowers) in a (favorite color) vase, a painting (best friend's name)had painted of the sea side of the island and the bust that Alfredhad given you on a bookcase.

Alfred was sitting at the chair reading the comic book; he hadfinished it before of course, as it was February 2nd, itwas just three days short of two months ago. However he loved itthough he tried not to handle it too much.

It was then Alfred happened to notice the day was circled in brightred on your calendar. "What's up babe? Are you busy today?":Heasked and you looked up from your paperwork and shook your head inthe negative.

"No. Today is Imbolic. It's the coming of spring; it's the firsttime since Samhain any of us will eat meat." You explained andAlfred, who could eat two or three hamburgers in a sitting it wasshocking to him. To go a couple days over three months with no meat?!

"Really? Wow!" He said shocked and you giggled.

"I'm making one of the most yummy spring dishes tonight, you willjoin me?" You asked giving him your big (eye color) puppy dog eyes.In truth they weren't needed, but Alfred wasn't going to complainthough; he loved those cute doe eyes of yours.

"Of course, that sounds rad!" He said with a big smile and yougave a grin. When you finished you two headed to your home so youcould make your dish; you took the lamb, using pomade you covered themeat and then sprinkled salt and pepper before grilling it.

When it was over you carried it over and insisted on waiting fiveminutes; meat tasted much better. As you two were eating and talkinghe took your hand. You blushed darkly at this but entwined yourfingers together.

Being shy you looked over to him and found that he was looking awayblushing darkly. Taking courage you leaned over and kissed him.Pulling away you looked away blushing darkly, you weren't horriblyshy but still you were a bit shy.

Alfred answered what you had done by catching your soft chin with histhumb and forefinger and turned you so that you could see his face,looking right into his baby blue eyes. With a smile he leaned down tocapture your lips with his own. He was surprisingly gentle with that.

"" you whispered blushing darkly, kissing him had beena spur of the moment thing and now you were very glad that it hadhappened.

"Yeah. So your my girl now?" He asked with a smirk and you bityour lip looking up at him.

"Only on two conditions." You said and he paused looking a bitworried and watching you a bit worried.

"Your my guy," you said and he nodded.

"That's fair." He agreed watching you warily.

"And we are Name and Alfred, not Romanli and America. If it doesn'twork out I don't want us to have to be enemies." You explained ashe blinked shocked at you, "I don't want my people to sufferbecause of this."

"Of course babe." Alfred said with a wide grin, "it wouldn't bea very hero like thing to do to make you stay with me for fear ofyour people." He said kissing you gently, "I'm the hero! Not avillain~" he cooed to you and you smiled kissing him back.

"Good. Then I'm your girl~" you hummed nuzzling into his neck.

Here is the nextchapter for America. I hope you like it, I tried to capture hisslightly caring nature in this chapter.

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