Fall Equinox

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Sighing you moved to pick up the basket, it was the last of thebaskets; it was September 21st, or the fall equinox. Itwas the one day that the night and day would be equal. There was fewcrops left in the ground and would be until during the spring whenthe plants would be planted again.

You had some cranberries and pomegranates and would have that tomunch on; this was a holiday and as such many people had off andwould spend time with their family. In that you would have loved tospend time with your fiance but Alfred had to do paperwork and so youwouldn't be able to.

As you entered your home you went to the kitchen to clean the fruit.As you were cleaning you were humming (favorite song) singing thelyrics underneath your breath. So you didn't hear anything.

Suddenly a pair of arms were wrapped around your chubby form and youwere lifted up. You gave a screech turning fast and froze as your(eye color) eyes lighted on sandy blonde hair and bright blue eyesunderneath glasses.

"Alfred?" You gasped and he gave his heroic laugh, kissing you.

"Happy International Peace Day, babe!" Alfred cooed against yourlips; you knew that the fall equinox was the same day ofInternational Peace Day.

"What are you doing here? Not that I'm not glad you're here, but Ithought you said you had to do paperwork?" You asked turning yourbody as he set your feet down.

"I thought you said that it was important and you wanted to spendthe day with me?" He answered back and you smiled widely wrappingyour arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

"Oh Alfie..." you cooed happily nuzzling into his chest. "Yourso sweet~" you cooed and he smiled.

"You are going to be my wife soon," he played with your (haircolor) (locks/curls), "I did my paperwork on the ride here." Hesaid and you smiled leaning up to give his neck an affectionate kiss.

"You're too good to me, love." You whispered against the strongpale flesh of his neck.

"You got it backwards babe, it's you who is too good for me."Alfred corrected leaning down to kiss your (light/dark) head andinhale the sweet scent of (shampoo scent). "Now what shall we do?"He asked with a smirk and you glanced up at him through your lashes.

"Well I have some cranberries and pomegranates. How about we cuddleand snack on them and then we can just spend the day lounging aroundand maybe take a nap?" You cooed and he nodded, taking off hisglasses, Texas, and rubbing his eyes.

"That sounds good-I didn't nap on the ride here like I normallydo." He said and you frowned, you didn't like him not taking careof himself, "I picked the right day right? This seems to be one ofyour more relaxing holidays." He chuckled and you nodded.

"Yeah, this is more celebrating the fact that the day and night areequal today." You explained before going back to cleaning thefruit. "So how about we both snack on these fruits, cuddle and thenwe can take a nice nap?" You asked and he smirked at you even more.

"Does that mean I can cuddle you while we sleep?" Alfred askedand you smiled, kissing him.

"Of course, now come on." You added putting the fruit in a boweland he went to the couch prepared to sit down and pull you into hislap so you two could cuddle and snack on the dark red, slightlytart-slightly sweet fruit and then you'd both go to sleep cuddlinginto each other.

Here is thenewest chapter with America, I kind of love it and dislike it at thesame time.

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