Crush ( A Beau Brooks Fanfiction)

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   I don't know how long I've been looking at my reflection in my mirror, probably a good ten minutes. Today, I start my first day at my new high school. Guess where? Melbourne, Australia. Now, at first I was thrilled to leave my home in California, but now I'm longing for my house overlooking the beach. So many friends that I had to leave just to go make new ones.

   I kept staring at my outfit. A crop top with the Batman symbol on it, blue super skinny jeans and black converse, I literally have no clothes since we moved, we had to sell a lot because our new house is about two times smaller. But I'm not the one that cares, it's my mom that does. I grew up from a very wealthy family. In fact, half my family lives here, in Australia, so I guess, out of all places in the world, my mom chose Melbourne. We moved here because my mom lost her job and basically everything we had. But that didn't stop her from taking the savings for MY college, and spent it to move here. Pretty low for my own mother, if you ask me.

   I shake my head and grab my backpack, throwing it sloppily over my shoulder. I make my way downstairs, causing the loud bumps as my shoes hit each stair. I step into the kitchen and immediately regret even waking up this morning. My mother is rushing around the house, trying to get everything ready. She stresses me out so much, I swear. I watch as she makes her way back into the kitchen and is cut short when she see's my appearance. She eyes me up and down, obviously judging what I'm wearing, and I hate it.

   " Really, Alexis, that's your outfit for the first day at your new school?" My mother speaks. I look down at my outfit choice, yet again. " Yeah, mom, what's wrong with it?" I ask, getting annoyed.

   " Well at least have a little class, you don't want to make a bad first impression." She says, turning back around to pour herself a cup of coffee. I fling up my arms and shake my head. " Mom, what do you expect me to wear? It's not like I'm meeting the parents of a boyfriend or something." She sits at the table with her phone in her hand, which always seems to be glued there.

   " You could of worn a least a skirt other than tight jeans and a low cut t-shirt. Your just asking for a bad reputation." She sips her coffee and raises her eyebrows at me as I laugh.

   " Oh, please, a dress?" My mom nods as I look out the small kitchen window. " Oh, look, the bus is gonna be here soon. I gotta go since you refuse to drop me off at school when I know nobody."

   I shift my bag onto my shoulder and walk out of the kitchen. I grab the handle of the front door as my mom calls out. " Have a great day! Don't talk to weirdos!" I shook my head and walked out the door.

   My new bus stop is right down the street, so I didn't have to walk far. But that conversation basically sums up my life at home. Me and my parents don't really get along. They like the rich, always perfect life. But I like the friends and music and alone time, or exploring places, theme parks and junk food. We are complete opposites and I wanna go back to California so bad.

   As I near closer to the bus stop, I notice some people there already. This is gonna be awkward. I walk up to the stop sign where everyone is and of course, they stare. I am the shy type at first, but once you know me, I'm crazy. I hold onto my backpack strap as I keep my eyes on my shoes the entire ten minutes I was waiting.

   I finally saw the bus coming our way and came to a halt as the doors slowly opened. I moved my feet to get on, but all the people pushed past me, even bumping me to the side.

   So eager for a spot on the bus.

   I made my way onto the bus after everyone else and it was completely overflowing with kids, loud ones at that. I looked around for a spot, hoping I wouldn't regret where I sit. I saw a spot in the middle of the bus, hoping the person already seated there is decent.

   " Hurry up." The old bus driver barked at me. I looked at the spot and rushed towards it and sat down. I turned to look at the guy I was sat next to, and I regretted it immediately as he looked at me. He grinned. " Hey, your cute." He said, shifting towards me. I tried scooting over more to get away from him. " Your new aren't you?" He said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I reached up and tried removing it, but he just put it back. This is going to be a long ride.

   I suddenly heard a voice.

   "Hey man, leave her alone!" me and the mystery guy turned back to see a really cute boy a few rows back, staring at us. The guy next to me huffed and turned back around.

   I kept looking at the boy, who's seat next to him was now open. " Come sit here." He motioned next to him. I hesitated, and he noticed. " It's fine, I swear to god I'm not like him." And for some reason, I believed him. I removed the guys arm quickly and moved back to the other boy. I sighed as I sat next to him and took a quick glance at him. He was wearing a red beanie and had really good fashion sense. He looked at me with brown eyes and smiled. He held out his hand and I shook it.

   " I'm Jai." He said, I smiled. " I'm Alexis, but you can call me Alex." He nodded and looked out the window. " So your new here then?" I nodded and told him why we moved and about my parents, and he did the same. I found out that he has a twin and one other brother.

   " Well, where are your brothers? Are they young or not on this bus?" He laughed. " No, they were being jerk offs and drove to school without me and made me take the bus." I smiled. " Good thing I did or you would of been stuck with weirdo over there." He gestured to the guy I was previously sat with.  He smiled.

   " So, who's your brothers, just in case I see them?" I asked curiously. " Well, my twin obviously looks like me, except he's got a lip and nose piercing. And Beau, he's nineteen, and was failed once so that's why he's in our grade. He kinda looks like me and Luke, but he's got tattoos on his arms and has green eyes."

   I nodded and stared out the window. Oh, look there's the school. We're here already. I wonder if I could stay around Jai so I know at least one person. The bus came to a stop and everyone got up at once, nearly knocking me over. I sighed and waited to get off the bus.

   I finally stepped off into the fresh air after Jai and he turned. " You wanna stick with me so you can know someone?" I nodded. " You just read my mind, wow." We laughed and walked to the main area of the school where everyone was. He twisted swiftly through all the people and I caught most of them staring at me as I followed Jai.

   We finally made it to a small corner, away from the massive group of people. There was a few people in the corner, three guys at that, and they were cute too.

   Jai casually walked up and greeted his friends as I awkwardly hung back, gripping one of my backpack straps. I watched his friends as they turned and saw me. Wow, Jai's twin does look a lot like him, I didn't think they would be that identical. Jai turned around too and motioned with his hand for me to come over, so I slowly walked over and let out a small smile.

   " Guys, this is Alexis, call her Alex." He smiled and turned to me. He pointed to a tall, dark haired boy with a snapback on. " That's James." He then turned to a shorter boy with dark hair as well. " That's Daniel, but his nickname is Skip." He stood next to his brother and wrapped his arm around his shoulder. " And this is Luke." Luke smiled at me and I smiled back. " Nice to meet you guys/" I scanned the group of friends and turned to Jai.

   " Didn't you say you had a brother named Beau?" They laughed. " Oh, yeah, don't be eager to know Beau." Skip said. I looked at them and wrinkled my eyebrows. " What's that supposed to mean?" I said right as the bell rang. Jai turned back to me quickly. " See you at lunch?" I nodded and he smiled as he walked away.

   I started to walk to my first class, following the map of the school carefully. I easily found my English class and took a seat in the back, until I was told otherwise. As I sat there, I realized that I had a good start to the first day and I'm glad I made a friend. A cute one actually.......




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