Chapter 30

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* Even though we are getting close to the last chapter, I can't thank you all enough for actually taking the time to read my story and actually wait for the updates, it means so much! Thank you for 13.2k reads...thats unbelievable *

        I hear the sounds of machines as I come to my senses. All I remember is getting hit in the face and blacking out.

        I open my eyes slowly and look around. As expected, I'm in a hospital room and I watch as all the nurses hurry past the room treating others.

        Although as I'm watching the people, one nurse in purple clothes looks in my room and stops as she see's me looking at her. She smiles and steps inside, coming over to my side.

        "Hello, I'm your nurse and I'm happy to see you've finally woke up." I tilt my head slightly. "Finally? How long have I been out?" She sighs. "Only about a day, the doctors decided to keep you because they were worried how you hadn't woken up yet." I nod slowly.

        She smiles again.

        "But don't worry, you're awake now and you've had quite the amount of visitors so far." Her eyes shift. "Looks like ones still here." She motions her head to behind me and I turn my head around.

        Beau sits in a chair in the back corner, curled up in a ball, asleep. His face is red and he has small cuts on his face.

        "He brought you in yesterday after your accident. He carried you in and we treated you first, then mended his wounds." She shakes her head, smiling. "Very sweet boy you got there, he hasn't left this room the entire time you've been here, only to get food and use the restroom. It was sad to walk past this room and look in to see him crying, but I think he'll be happy you're awake."

        It almost brings tears to my own eyes that Beau cares about me this much.

        She fixes some wires attached to me and starts walking over to Beau.

        "This boy really loves you..." She mumbles and I feel my heart drop.

        Does he love me?

        She stands in front of Beau and shakes him gently.

        After a moment, he wakes up with a sudden jolt, his eyes red and swollen.

        "Sir," The nurse says. "I think you'll be happy to know she's awake now."

        I hear him scramble up out of the chair and he rushes to my bedside.

        The moment he see's that I'm awake, he grabs my hand and starts crying. The nurse leaves the room and shuts the door, smiling.

        "Alex, I'm so sorry...I don't know what to do with myself. I've been such a wreck these past couple hours and I hate myself for what I did and I just wanna hit myself. Words can't describe what I'm trying to say, but please don't hate me for what happened."

        I can't look him in the eyes.

        "I told you guys to stop...I just didn't want you guys to fight...why didn't you just listen...?"

        He sighs.

        "I was just to caught up in the moment and I was so pissed...Alex, I'm sorry."

        I stay silent and he starts sobbing more. I close my eyes.

        "" I hear him whisper between sobs. "Please don't leave me...again..."

        My eyes stay shut, but my heart drops to my stomach and I feel myself getting nervous.

        Am I hearing things right?

        I slowly open my eyes, and look at him. He's staring at the floor.

        "Beau," I whisper, tears brimming in my eyes. "Do you really mean that?"

        He nods.

        "I've loved you for the longest time. I didn't realize how much I did until you refused to see me or talk to me. I fell apart. And that's when I told myself how much you meant to me, and I couldn't lose you. I'm sorry but, I love you , Alex."

        I feel a tear run down my face.

        There's no way I could deny that I wasn't in love with him as well, ever since the first days we met, I knew we had something. After everything we've been through, after all this time, I can finally safely say, that the feeling I used to have for Beau, is no longer just a crush, but I am in love with him.

        "I love you to." I whisper and his head shoots up in surprise.

        He starts smiling in disbelief and I smile as well.

        "What...are you...what!" He says happily. "You really do?" I nod and he laughs and so do I.

        He bends down and wraps his arms around me, whispering I love you's and oh my god's in my ear.

        We stay that way for a whole, until I see someone walk in. I turn to see my mother walk in, glaring at Beau as he releases me from our hug.

        "I want you out of this room right now." She says coldly. Beau's smile fades slowly.

        "Mom...stop." I say, desperate for her not to freak out on Beau, which I'm sure she's already done.

        "I don't think you understand Alexis, this friend of yours put you in the damn hospital for punching you in the face! Why would you even want him here?"

        Beau stands there awkwardly.

        I sit up. "I want him here because he's my boyfriend, mom, and he deserves to be here just as much as you do."

        She stares at me, trying to process what I said. After a moment she speaks up again.

        "He's been here long enough." Her expression changes. "I have to tell you something private." The look on her face worries me.

        Beau pats my hand.

        "It's okay, I'll go." He says, smiling and leaving the room, but turning back to wave before he walks away.

        My mother brings a chair up beside me and sighs.

        "Alexis...I have some news I don't think you want to hear."

        My heart drops.

        "What now..." I say, eyes wide.

        "I know you've obviously made friends here, and apparently a boyfriend but...your father got another business call. I'm sorry but..."

        I close my eyes.

        I know what she's about to say and I feel the tears fall before she even says it.

        "We're moving back to California."

*Wow...plot twist...comment what you think of this cliff hanger for this chapter!! :) *

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