Chapter 12

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* I'm soooo happy that my story has almost 1K reads! That's crazy! Also I made a trailer for this fanfic which is linked to the story so you should check it out :) *

   I wake up with a groan, my head pounding immensly. Memories of last night flood into my thoughts and I sit up, rubbing my eyes. I make a vow that I will never go to the club again, or at least anytime soon.

   I stumble out of bed and slowly trudge down the stairs. My mother is in the living room, on her phone, as always, sipping a cup of coffee. She notices me and sets her cup down.

   " Well, look who finally woke up." She glances at her watch. " At eleven forty five...don't sleep your life away Alexis." I roll my eyes thinking to everything I've done since we moved here.

   " Trust me, I'm not." I laugh.

   So after a long lecture of my mom bringing me down and making me even more insecure, I just walk away and back to my room.

   I sit there for a while, on my bed, just thinking. Beau saved me last night from that guy and I still can't get the images out of my head. Beau had his fists wrapped around the guy's shirt so hard, his knuckles were turning white. The veins in his neck were strained and his eyes were filled with pure anger. I had never seen anyone so mad, especially since he was just my friend.

   But then again he did come to help when Luke didn't. Afterwards when we were at the table with the boys, Luke had explained how he had gotten separated from me so he let me dance cause he knew I wanted to have fun and he thought I was safe so he did other things like drink and talk to the boys. He had no idea what was happening.

    But Beau explained to him that he shouldn't of ever even let me get separated from him, let alone do other things while I was getting attacked.

   But the sadness mixed with anger and guilt that he was showing, told me he really does care about me.

   I sigh and grab my phone.

   " Hello?" Luke's voice rings through the phone. " Hey it's me." I smile. " You know how we were going to dinner tonight?" He says yes. " Let's go to lunch right now." I know he's smiling on the other end. " Okay, I'll be there in like ten." And I hang up.

   In exactly ten minutes there's a knock on my door and I rush downstairs.

   " Be back later mom!" I yell and don't even give her a chance to answer before I close the door.

    Luke is standing there smiling.

   " Hey, so where do you want to go to lunch?" I shrug. " You know more places around here than I do." He nods. " about we get Macca's?" I tilt my head. " What's that?"

   " It's McDonalds, we just call it Macca's for short around here." I smile. " Oh, then sure let's go."

   We climb into his car and listen to the radio as we drive, but it's mostly a silent and non talkative ride there.

    As we get out of his car, he grabs my hand and watches me as we walk. I notice his eyes on me and I can't help but smile cause I know he's watching me.  I look up at him and laugh slightly. "What?" He smiles. " Nothing...your just so amazing and I'm such an idiot." I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

   " Luke your not an idiot. What makes you think that?" He sighs. " Cause I don't treat you good enough and you and me both know that I don't deserve someone like you."

   I open my mouth as if I'm about to speak, but no words come out. I sigh as well. " Luke don't say's not true."

   We walk up to the door and he opens it for me, both of us walking inside. We grab a table and sit down and I'm glad the place is mostly empty.

   " I need to talk to you, Alex, about last night..." He takes my hands in his.

   " You know I didn't mean for you to get attacked like that, but I got separated from you and I wanted you to have fun so I let you dance. I just thought that's what you would of wanted and I didn't think anything of it so before I knew it you-" I cut him off.

   " Luke, calm down, I know you didn't mean it. You should just be happy that Beau was there to help me."

   I see his face tense but then go back to normal. He shakes his head.

   " Alex, I really like you and I'm so glad to be dating you. I think your beautiful and you have an amazing personality and I think your everything I've been looking for in a girl. You gave me a chance and I can't be more thankful for that. So, I just really have to ask, will you be my girlfriend, like officially?"

   I raise my eyebrows in surprise. " Really?" He nods and smiles. I breath out and my heart leaps at the thought of finally having a boyfriend.

   But what scares me most is that Beau's face flashes through my thoughts as I think. All I could ask myself is why. Why would I think of him when Luke was asking me to be his official girlfriend?

   I shake my head slightly, as if I was trying to shake away the thoughts of Beau. I look up at Luke and smile brightly and nod.

   " Yes, I'll be your girlfriend."

   I see his face light up so bright as he quickly stands up and grabs me, holding me close.

   " Thank you, Alex..." He whsipers and I smile, finally happy.

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