Chapter 11

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* Oh my god thank you soooo much for 700 reads! It means so much, but I would love for you guys to comment more so I can interact and hear your feedback and what you think will happen next :) ily all *

   I almost drop my phone as I hear a loud knock on the front door, along with yells and hollers coming from, none other than the five crazy boys I've become friends with.

   I grab my small purse and shove my phone inside, check my hair and run down the stairs. Their screams grow louder and by the time I've reached the bottom of my stairs, I'm gasping for air from laughing so much.

   I swing open the door as Skip is about to yell again, but James cups his hand over his mouth. " Stop Skip! My god..." He laughs as I step outside. They look at me and stare, and my insecurity takes over as I pull down the dress I'm wearing and look away.

   It's silent and my face is getting hot.

   " You look nice, Alex..." I look up to see Beau turn away after he said those words, and I notice Luke look at him and glare.

   " Well come on! Let's go clubbing!" Jai says loudly and they start screaming again, running to the car. Me and Luke follow behind and he puts his arm around my waist. " You look so good in that damn." He laughs and I look down. We get into the car and there's already someone in the drivers seat. The music starts blaring and Luke yells. " That's Jacob!" He points to the driver and I nod.

   The music blasts as Beau climbs into the seat next to me, Luke on the opposite side of me. I turn to look at him and he smiles.

   " Tonight's gonna be sick!" He yells to no one in particular. I laugh as they all start screaming the lyrics to the song and I join in. They're all shrieking like little girls and people notice as we drive.

   After a while of screaming, laughing and music, we pull up to the club and walk in. Luke automatically hooks his arms protectively around me and pulls me close. I can instantly feel the loud music in my ears, feeling it pound in my head as well.

   " Oi! Let's grab a table and get wasted!" Beau screams and we all run to the bar. Me and Luke take a seat at the bar and he stares at me.

   " You gonna drink anything?" I think about it, I've never really drank anything to get me drunk, but now I have the urge to taste a beer or something.

   I smile and bang my hand on the table.

   " Lemme get a beer!" I say and the boys turn to me and smile. " Ohhh,  someones gonna get wasted!" Luke smiles as I grab the beer. All their eyes are on me as I take the first sip and I feel it run down my throat, a sensation of coldness and bitterness.

   I make a face as the aftertaste of the cold beverage takes over, but for some reason, I'm craving more of it, so I take another gulp, longer than last time.

   I set the half filled cup on the table and the boys are staring at me with smiles on their faces.

   " Whoo!" I say, suddenly feeling alive and energetic. " Come on let's dance!" I yell and grab Luke's hand, dragging him out of his seat and into the crowd of loud, dancing, drunk people.

   One of the best techno songs is on and all the people are fist pumping and jumping up and down, so me and Luke join in.

   His arm wraps around my shoulder as we yell and jump, smiling at one another. He's about to kiss me as the song ends and people start to move around, causing me and Luke to get pushed around and bumped into. Someone falls backwards into me and steps on my foot and I wince. " Oh god, what the hell!" I say and look around.

   I don't see Luke anymore, he's disappeared into the crowd, leaving me alone in a pit of drunk people.

   As I look around, all I see is people moving around me, I can no longer see through the people or see the bar anymore. All I can think of is to try to call out for Luke.

   " Luke!" I say repeatedly, until I feel arms wrap around my waist.

   I sigh in relief and turn around, only to see a stranger looking back at me. My eyes widen as I see this unknown guy, with his hands on me and he's clearly drunk.

   " Hey babe, what's up?" I can smell the alcohol on his breath and I shrink back ,trying to remove his hands from my body, but it's not working.

   I turn to face him again, cringing at the sight of his red face and half shut eyes.

   " Get your damn hands the hell off me." I say just as another song starts, this time slower but still a dancing song. The guy laughs.

   " Oh come on baby, let's have some fun." He slurs his words. I grab his arms as he starts tp pull me away with him as he tries to walk. " No! Let me go, back off!" His grip tightens as I struggle and I look around, he's almost got me out of the crowd, and I know what his intentions are, and I obviously want no part in it.

   I close my eyes and start hitting his arms. I would hit his face but he's got me from behind. I try to kick his legs, but that doesn't work either. " My god! Let me go you asshole, stop!" I yell, but no one hears me thanks to the loud music.

   I struggle and struggle, but nothings working, this guy's arms are wrapped around me like a snake, and he's not letting go anytime soon.

   I suddenly feel his grip loosen, and the he let's go. I regain my balance as I turn to see the guy with his shirt scrunched up in someones fists and their cursing him out.

   It's Beau.

   I watch as he yells at the guy and let's go of his shirt, only to push him backwards a bit. Beau's face is red and I can see the veins in his neck, he's furious. I can make out only half of what he's yelling.

   " Don't you ever put your goddamn hands on her ever again you prick, or else you won't have any hands at all you ass."

   I watch as the guy turns to look at me, fear is obvious on his face, before he stumbles away.

   I turn to Beau who's still watching as the guy walks away, anger in his eyes.

   I don't even hesitate as I walk into him and wrap my arms around him, tearing up as he hugs me back.

   " My god, are you okay?" I don't answer as I keep my head on his shoulder.

   " Alex...?" He says and takes my shoulders and pulls me away from him. 

   " How the hell did that happen... I thought you were with Luke?" I nod. " I was, but I lost him in the crowd and the guy grabbed me...I thought Luke would have come back to look for me but he never did." I start to feel the tears in my eyes again.

   " Come on, your okay now... let's get you a place to sit. " I walked with him until we reached our table and the other boys immediately stood and came over to us.

   " Oh my god, what happ-" James starts but Beau cuts him off. " Where is Luke?" Jai points to the bathroom just as Luke comes out. I don't even realize Beau's arms are still wrapped around me protectively.

   He walks over, a confused look on his face.

   " Congrats, you just let your girlfriend be attacked." Beau says. Luke stares with confusion until Beau tells him what happened and about how he wasn't there for me, then it turns to anger.

   " I had no idea..." He looks to Beau. " You can take your hands off"

   The night ends with Luke and Beau staring at each other, their eyes cold as stone and narrowed, until Beau finally let's go.

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