Chapter 2

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   I gathered my things as the bell rang, reminding me it was time to go to my seventh period, which was drama. Now, I didn't choose drama because when I got my schedule, they just threw me into a random elective which happens to be drama. I guess I could give acting a try, I just hope we won't do any plays, I hate preforming in front of an audience.

   I grab my phone out of my back pocket as I check my Instagram and texts, one from my mother, so I decide to click on it.

   " Alexis, I won't be home tonight, the family wants me to come visit for a while. Hope you had a great day."

   I start tapping the screen to reply back as my phone gets knocked out of my hand and onto the floor. I look up to see a girl.

   " Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I literally did not see you there. Here." She hands me my phone and smiles. I smile back as I look at my phone. She looks with me. " It's not cracked right? If it is I'll pay to fix it, I promise!" I laugh. " It's perfectly fine, no worries." She lets out a sigh. " Well, my name's Lexy." I smile. " I'm Alex, and I really hate to run, but I have to get to drama class."

   She smiles. " I have drama this period too." I nod and smile again. " Well, then we can walk together."

   The hallways are almost empty as the bell rings. " Damn!" Lexy curses as she turns to me. " Let's go, we have to hurry." She grabs my arm as she drags me down the hall. We stop in front of a closed door that reads in big bold letters: DRAMA and a plate that says: Mr.Kelly. Lexy opens the door loudly and steps inside. All eyes turn to me as she scurries to her seat. As she sits she explains that she knocked into me and helped me get to class.

   The teacher looks at me. " You must be Alexis?" I nodded. " It's Alex actually." My voice echoed throughout the silent classroom. Mr. Kelly nodded, and glanced at his papers. " Well, I already got you a place to sit cause I knew you would be coming. So you sit behind...Beau, Beau Brooks." I glanced around the room, in search of Beau. I suddenly remembered the name. It's Luke and Jai's brother, the one they call trouble.

   " Beau, raise your hand so she knows where to sit." I turn my eyes to see the most gorgeous green eyed boy raising his muscular arms in the air. It was like he was an angel. A literal angel that fell from the skies and happened to fall right in front of me. He looked stunning. Picturesque, and sleek. His hair was in just the perfect sideswept style and it made me stare and I couldn't help myself.

   His green eyes were like sculpted emeralds on a piece of glass, and they shone in the sunlight that was shining through the windows, and his face was perfectly chiseled.

   His cheekbones stood out awkwardly, but amazingly and he was perfect. That's all I could say.


   " Alex? Are you gonna have a seat?" I hear a whisper in my ear. I jump slightly, feeling my face start to burn as I walked to my new seat. For some reason, I am getting nervous to sit behind him. Skip said I shouldn't be eager to know him, but how could someone so beautiful mean trouble?

   I kept staring at the back of his head, trying to picture his face in my mind.

   Wait, what am I doing? I don't realize as I tap him on the shoulder. My mind starts to take over.

   " What are you doing Alex? Your crazy!"

   He turns and stares at me. " Yes?" He grins. I look down at my hands. " Do you have a pencil?" He laughs. " Yeah, gimme a sec." He bends down and reaches into his small black backpack, as he pulls out a pencil.

   " Here you go, freshly sharpened pencil." As he hands it to me, my fingers fumble and it slips out of my grasp and onto the floor.

   I mumble a curse word under my breath and he giggles. Oh god that was cute. I bend down to retrieve it as Beau bends down at the same time. My heart skips a beat as out hands brush slightly against each other and we look up at each other.

    Woah, what it wrong with me...I've never thought anyone was this beautiful based on how they look. He definitely doesn't look like a bad guy at all...

   " Sorry." I breathe and quickly remove my hand, bringing the pencil with me. " It's totally fine." I smile and look down again, but I can feel his eyes staring at me. So, I decide to start a conversation since everyone else is talking.

   " Your Luke and Jai's brother then...they told me about you." He smiles. " They talk about me?" He laughs. " What did they say?" Should I tell him that Skip said he was a bad person? " Well, Skip said you were a troublemaker but I don't know..." He shook his head. " And you believed Skip? That little gremlin? You never trust Skip that's for sure." I grin. " Your actually not bad at all." He laughs and I look down, clearly embarrassed.

   " So your friends with my brothers?" I nodded. " I guess, Jai sat with me on the bus and introduced me to Luke, James and Skip. Oh and we sat at lunch together." He nods. " Cool...uh, I'm gonna turn back around now." We laugh slightly in unison as he turns around.

   I smile to myself as I glance at the clock. Man, I don't know what time we leave. Maybe I should ask Beau, but I don't want to come off as annoying and clingy. I was about to tap on his shoulder again as the bell rang, making me jump in my seat. I put my papers in my folder and headed out the door. I make my way down the hall, until someone yells.

   " Hey, wait!" I turned around and saw Beau making his way towards me. My heart dropped as he stepped in front of me. " Sorry, I never caught your name." I smiled. " It's Alex." He nodded.

   " Alex, got it." He hesitated. " Uhm, I wanna ask you something though. So, there's a party over at Skip's friends house tonight and since your friends with them, I might as well ask if you wanna go."

   I was speechless.

   " Not as a date though, we just met, so not yet." I laugh as he realized he basically just said he'd date me. " I mean, uhm, are you up for it?"

   I have to think for a minute. "It's a school night, my mom would kill me." He smiled. " We don't have school tomorrow, we have the day off, so I doubt going out on a Thursday night would kill anyone."

   I thought about how dumb I am for not remembering we had the day off, but I'm new what can you expect? " Well, the, yeah, I'll go." He smiles again. " I'll have to get your number so I can text you directions.

   As we exchange numbers, I feel several pairs of eyes on me and I spot a girl with a few of her friends staring at me, as if they were gonna kill me. Once they noticed I saw them, they smiled and walk away.

   " Did you hear me?" My thoughts are clouded as Beau's voice brings me back to reality.

   " No, sorry, I was daydreaming." I ran my fingers through my hair as he smiled.

   " I said, I'll see you at the party." I nodded as he hurried away and out the door. I smile as I make it to the bus on time and climb on. I see that Jai isn't there, so I sit next to a girl and put in my headphones.

   I watch the skies as I listen to slow songs all the way home.

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