Chapter 4

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~ Hey everyone, so i know not to many people have read my story so far, but I really want it to become popular and i haven't seen many Janoskians fanfics out there and I love them so I thought what the heck! Please comment and vote, i would really appreciate it if you did! Love you all! ~

   I feel the cool night breeze hit my face as me and Luke walk out of the theater, laughing at the thought of the movie we just saw. " Oh god, that was the scariest movie I've ever seen! I've haven't jumped like that in years." Luke laughed as we walked along the parking lot. " So, you wanna  walk around the mall for a bit? Since your new, I guess I could be the one to show you around lovely Melbourne." He says as he raises his arms in the air, moving it around as if he was admiring the scenery.

   " Sure, it's not to late, plus my parents are not gonna be home so I can stay out for a while." He smiles. " Well, let's go."

   The mall was basically across the street so we didn't have to go far. We made it to the door and Luke ran in front of me, gripping the door handle. " Welcome to shopping paradise m'lady." I laugh as he opened the door in a dramatic way. I stepped inside and looked around the two story mall as Luke made his way to me.

   " So, where to first?" He shoved his hands into his pockets and smiled at me. " Oh, wait, let me and dress section, right?" I laughed, shaking my head. " No, I'm not a shopping freak...are you sure you don't want to go shoe shopping, Luke? I think you would love it!" I say clapping my hands.

   He pretends to flip fake hair across his shoulder and struts away.

   I can't help but laugh. I realize how funny he is and I really want to know him better. He sure is much nicer than Beau.

   Beau. I have forgotten about him for the past two hours and about what happened. It all comes flooding back into my mind, of all the stares he caused that came from every pair of eyes in the house. I swear, they all probably laughed at me after I left, including Beau.

   I put my head in my hands and sigh. Luke notices and come over. " You okay?" I shrug. " I don't know, just thinking about the party and how much I hate being kills me when I'm embarrassed and I have no idea why."

   We stop close to a jewelery stand and a necklace catches my eye. I stop to glance at the beautiful, glistening Eiffel Tower necklace and sigh.

   " Do you want it?" I hear a voice say from behind me. I turn around and smile at Luke, who's grinning back at me. " Yeah, I love it so much, I've always wanted to go to Paris. I guess you could say I have a Paris fetish. And I would get it, but I spent all my money on the movie." I turn back to stare at the necklace before turning away again. " Well, let's keep moving then." I sigh as Luke tags behind. " Go ahead...I have to pee." And he sprints off. I laugh slightly, until I walked over to the railing, leaning against it, watching the people below me.

   I guess you could say I like Luke, he's really funny, and by 'like' I mean friendwise...but maybe someday more...

   " Skip, shut the hell up!"

   I am snapped out of my thoughts as I quickly shift my eyes to the first floor below me. And of course, I see Skip and Beau with some blonde girl. Wait, that's the girl I saw in the hall when Beau asked me to come to the party, the one who was shooting daggers at me.

   For some reason, my eyes are glued on them and I hardly realize that Beau had lifted his head. We locked eyes before I turned away to go find Luke. I look around, hoping to catch a glimpse of him before Beau heads upstairs. I stand in a corner, scanning the store, but also keeping my eyes on the escalator, in case Beau shows up.

   I swear I just saw Luke at the jewelery stand, but I am thrown from my thoughts yet again as I hear Skip's laughter coming from the opposite side of the room. I whip my head around as I see Beau emerging from the escalator, immediately making my stomach drop. He scans the room full of people and we meet eyes again. The blonde, who was talking to him realizes he's paying attention to something other than her and follows his gaze. Her eyes meet mine as well and she smirks. She turns to Beau and whispers something in his ear.

   He looks at her, confused and shakes his head. She taps his arm as if she was trying to convince him to do something. He brushed her off before looking to me again.

   I sigh in relief as Luke emerges from the store. He looks around the room before seeing me and walking over. I glance at Beau and notice now that all three of them are staring, now that they see Luke.

   " Luke-" I start as he makes his way in front of me, obviously unaware that Beau is watching, or that he's even here.

   " Turn around." Luke says, a smirk on his face. " What?" He smiles. " Turn around and close your eyes." I sigh. " Luke wait-" I try again but he surprises me as he grips my shoulders and spins me around. My eyes land on Beau and I look to the ground instead, not wanting to look at him. I can feel him staring as I close my eyes as Luke told me to.

   " Ready?" He asks.

   I nodded as he put his arms over my head and around my neck. I felt a cold object gently lay across my chest and I see Luke step in front of me, his hands behind his back, grinning like a kid. I glance down to see the surprise and gasp.

   It was the very expensive Eiffel Tower necklace I saw before.

   " Luke! You didn't have to buy me this!" He laughed and shook his head.

   " Think of it as a welcoming gift. I mean it still is your first day." I totally forgot it was only my first day I started school. It feels like I've been here for a month.

   Before I know what I'm doing, I wrap my arms around Luke's neck and his hands find their way to my back. He's surprisingly warm and smells really good to the point where I could smell his shirt on a daily basis if I wanted to.

   I suddenly hear someone from a bit farther behind us. They make a noise through their teeth, very rudely. It's like a 'psh' sound. I turn, remembering that Beau was still there with his friends and I see the blonde smirking, Skip was smiling and Beau was frowning.

   I look down as Luke looks up and see's his brother. Beau starts to walk towards us, leaving behind his friends, but Luke puts his hand on my back.

   " Come on, we don't need the drama that he's gonna cause." We start to walk away as I looked back.

   He stood there just staring. I turned around, disappointed  because I thought we could be friends and I thought he was nice. I should have listened to Skip to not be eager to know him, but I don't think I can trust Skip either.

   " Wait, Alex!" I heard a voice and footsteps running up from behind me. Me and Luke turn to face him as he reaches us.

   " Beau, what do you want?" Luke asked impatiently and Beau's eyes kept going back and forth between me and Luke. His eyes landed on me and he kept them on me.

   " I came to say sorry...I know I embarrassed you by saying those things. I don't know what was going through my head. I mean it's your first day, you don't know anyone and you didn't deserve that jerk move I made. Sorry..."

   Luke looked at me and I hesitated.

   " But why did you say it like that? Why did you reject it so harshly?" I could barley find the words to say. I could tell he was trying to find the words to say too.

   " I-I don't know, honestly, maybe to make people think I was cool by rude to a newbie or something. And I really am sorry." He perks up. " Maybe we could all be friends?" He motions to Skip and the girl who is giving me a dirty look again.

   I sigh. " Fine, I guess your forgiven." He smiles and so do I. " I guess it wasn't THAT big of a deal anyways."

   He puts his hands in his pockets and looked to his friends, telling them to come over. " Let's all walk around a bit?"

   Me and Luke nod as we walk off together, leaving Skip and the girl behind us, but me, Luke and Beau stick side by side for now, as new friends

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