Chapter 9

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   I kept my eyes on Beau's feet as he kicked the gravel on the street as we walked. Today was surprisingly fun and the highlight of it was watching videos and spending hours with Beau, doubled over in laughter. we sat there I don't know how long, talking, listening to music, laughing. And I hate to admit it, but I had more fun today with Beau then I did with Luke earlier on.

   The bright sun has disappeared from the blue sky, which was now replaced with a dark sky and the moon. Me and Beau are walking down the street, not really sure where were headed. His music is playing faintly from his pocket and he's looking down as we continue to walk, the street lights illuminating his face.

   I keep my head tilted down, but slightly bring my eyes up to see his face. He has a black snapback on, with his brown hair tucked inside but still visible. He's also wearing a plain white t-shirt with jeans and black Vans. The street lamp is hitting his face from the side, and I can see his green eyes shining. My mind rewinds to before when we were in the meadow. His smile lit up and his face brightened everytime we laughed together. We were laying side by side, watching his phone.

   Seeing him smile, made me smile, and I don't know why.

   " Today was amazing..." He suddenly says.

   I look up and smile. " Yeah, it's the most fun I've had since I've been here." His smile grew wider as I said that.

   There was a brief silence, until he caught me off guard.

   " What about Luke? Aren't you two boyfriend and girlfriend?" I smile slightly.

   " No, not officially, just dating." I see him nod out of the corner of my eye.

   " He talks about you a lot. He say's he wants to be with you forever."

   I smile. " But forever's a long time." I say.

   He smiles. " Even if forever is a long time, some people wouldn't mind spending it by each others sides."

   I smile and we look up at each other at the same time. We stare at each other for a split second, before he looks down at his feet again.

   I don't even realize the huge rock that's in front of me as I walk and out of nowhere, I lose my balance as I try to step over it and I fall to the hard street. A sharp pain spreads throughtout my foot as I grab it.

   " Oh shit!" Beau says, quickly bending down next to me. I look up at him and see he's smiling. " Go ahead, laugh, I'm an idiot." I say and laugh myself.

   " Are you alright to walk?" Is shrugged my shoulder and looked up at him as he extended his hands for me to grab onto. I smile as I grab both his hands and he pulls me to my feet. I try to walk but I feel the pain and now I have a slight limp.

   " Okay, ow." I say. " It's not broken, just bruised, you need ice." Beau says. " Where's your house from here?"

   I look down the street and back.

   " Way to far to walk, I'm having trouble just standing here." I look down. " Maybe we should call someone for a ride?" He looks at me and then my foot.

   " Here, I'll get my phone and we can ca-" I'm cut short as I feel Beau's arms lift my legs up and his other hand steadies my back.

   He's now carrying me...bridal style.

   " Beau...what are you doing...?" I say. He laughs, his face is close to mine. " I'm your ride." I smile and so does he, I wrap one arm around his neck.

   " My house is just around the corner, I'll get you some ice and then I'll take you home." I nodded and stared at his smile. " Okay." I say in a monotone voice, forgetting everything around me as I stare at him and he stares back.

   I look away as I feel my face blush and he chuckles. " Come on, let's get you some ice."

   I nod as we walk down the street and time flies as we reach his front door.

   " Aw, shit, uhm." He says, a blush creeping across his face. " What?" I say, smiling.

   " My keys are, uhm, in my back pocket...could you uhm...get them?" I laugh as I turn red myself. I reach back and quickly pull out his keys. I turn to hand them to him, but realize he can't hold them, so I unlock the door for him and open it. As we walk in, I shut the door behind him and laugh.

   " Alex?" I hear a voice say and I turn my head to see Luke standing at the end of the hall.

   " Oh, hey Luke..." Beau says. " Uhm, she hurt her foot and needs ice, so I helped her get here."

   Luke narrowed his eyes at us.

   " I thought you told me you were going home after we hung out at the park today..." I nodded. " Yeah, but Beau was there cause I was exploring and he apologized for the night at the lake and we hung out."

   Luke looked at Beau. " For four hours? At the park?" I could tell he wasn't buying it.

   " Yeah, Luke, what else would we have been doing?" Luke's voice silenced, and his face tensed up.

   " There's many things you could of been doing that I did-" He stopped himself. I realized Beau was still holding me extra close and so did Luke. " Beau, I can take her from here..."

   Luke walked over and took me out of Beau's warm arms and for a split second, I missed being held by him, but then I dismissed the thought as Luke brought me into the kitchen, and Beau followed behind us.

   Luke got me ice and tended to my foot and he was so caring and gentle.

   But everytime Luke wasn't looking, Beau would smile at me and I would smile back.

   I felt something in the bottom of my heart when Beau kept smiling at me, but I don't know what it was. I just hope I find out soon.

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