Chapter 8

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  It's been weeks since me and Luke agreed to be in a relationship, and it's been going better than good. He's taken me to so many places and on so many dates, it's unbelievable. We've gone to the movies more than a million times, he bought me countless gifts that I never even need, but I'm grateful for. He's been amazing to me and I never expected him to be the one that I fell for, but I'm happy now.

   Right now, we are sitting on a bench under a tree in the park near where they live. It's the most relaxing thing ever, my head is resting on his lap, with him occasionally looking down at me and smiling. The sun is out and there is no one in the park, so it's peaceful for us.

   " Alex, when will I meet your parents?" Luke asks suddenly. I look up at him. " I could ask you the same question." He frowns. " Well, you can't meet my dad..."

   " Why not? Oh does he not approve of dating or something?" He frowns even more, and stays silent. " Luke, you okay?" I sit up as he continues to stare at his feet.

   Sudden realization hits me and I cover my mouth and gasp. " Oh my your dad alive?"

   " Yes, he is...he left me and my brothers when we were young, leaving everything up to my mother. We can't stand him because of what he did, so we don't like talking about him."

   I take Luke's face in my hand and make him turn to look at me. " I'm so sorry...I shouldn't of asked." He shakes his head and laughs. " No, your fine, I don't mind." He looks at his watch and turns to me. " I gotta go like I said before, will you walk home from here? If you do, stay safe." I nod as he kisses me quick and walks away down the street.

   I decide to explore around the park, seeing that it's mostly abandoned. My feet take me to a large tree, a beautiful weeping willow tree. I stare up it and admire it, the sun isn't shining through, making it have the perfect shade to sit under, so that's what I did.

   I sat underneath it and just closed my eyes, finally being able to relax alone. I think about Luke and how great he is to me, even though we just started dating and we're not officially boyfriend and girlfriend yet. He's so sweet, but I can see he's been hurt many more times before in the past. Him and his brothers had to grow up without a father, meaning they had to be their own father figures and their mom had to struggle.

   Beau pops into my head.

   I haven't talked to him since that night at the lake. I still remember when he came to my house and fell to the grass and then standing really close to me. It made my stomach flutter with nervousness.

   He's very nice to me and what shocked me most is when we were at the mall when those girls decided to target me, and he stayed with me.

   But the look on his face when he saw me and Luke holding hands, was unreadable. He was laughing and smiling, but his mood suddenly ceased and his smile faded. Now, in any other situation, I would of thought he liked me, but I know that's not true, he has better girls to like.

   Suddenly, the sun warms my hand, but the light is coming from behind me. I sit up and open my eyes, looking back behind me at the tree's long stems that were hanging down. There was light coming from through the tree, coming through the stems, indicating that there was something behind the tree.

   So, I stood up and used my arms to push back the hanging leaves and peered behind it.

   My mouth dropped open as my eyes settled on the scene before my eyes. A small, sunlit meadow was in front of me, with tree's surrounding it. With the sun shining through, the meadow seemed to glow, and down below, little flowers sprouted from the ground, coming in the most stunning violet you could ever see. As I walk into the field, I smile, it's been a long time since I've seen something beautiful.

   So I take in the scene, and sit down in the center of the grass, just letting the sunlight hit my face, warming it immediately.

   I smile to myself while my eyes are closed, until I hear a rustle in the trees. My eyes snap open and I look around.

   Everything is still, except the warm breeze that is lightly blowing my hair back.

   I ignore the sound and decide to lay down on my back, simply to relax. I put my hands behind my head and my body connects with the soft grass.

   I think of Luke again. His golden brown eyes, his dark hair, his tattoos that I have yet to see all of them. And his personality is a whole other story, how perfect and funny he is, is just so amazing. I catch myself smiling at my thoughts and sigh.

   " Shit!" I hear someone exclaim and I hear a twig break. I open my eyes and sit up as my eyes quickly search for the voice that just called out.

   The face that I've grown fond of seeing comes into view.

   Beau emerges through the tree's, brushing off his shirt, trying to get the the stray twigs off that have clung to his shirt.

   His head is down, he hasn't seen me yet. I decide to speak up so it won't be that awkward when he looks up and see's me.

   " Beau?" I say and his head snaps up, his green eyes wide.

   " Alex...what are you doing here?"

   I stand up and walk over to him.

   " I was here...with Luke," His expression changes but he tries to hide it.

   I continue.

   " Luke had to go so I decided to explore. So, I found this place and just sat here for a while."

   He looked around and nodded. I shifted my weight to my other foot. " What are you here for?"

   He looked down. " Oh, uhm, I come here almost relax and clear my head. I've actually been spending a while here recently."

   As he says that, I can't help but think he's been coming here because of me and Luke, so he's been trying to clear his head. But I decide against my thoughts.

   There's a silence between us until he speaks up.

   " Sorry about that night we were at the lake..I didn't mean to leave like that."

   I have so many questions to ask, and I can imagine how many he has.

   I go back to that night, when he drove me to the lake. As we were walking, he held my hand and looked at me in a way no one ever has. I couldn't help but think of it, it's been running through my mind.

   I look down at our feet, my red Vans and his black ones seem interesting suddenly. Confusion is obvious on my face.

   " Beau..." He looks up. " Yeah?" I breathe out slowly. " Why did you hold my hand that night?" He hesitates. " I-i don't know, it felt like it was the right time to do something like that.." I look up. " The right time for something like what?" He shakes his head. " Look, since were both here, I don't wanna fight with you, I really want to be friends..." He shuffles around in his pocket and pulls out his iPhone.

   " I have a ton of music we could listen to on here, we could watch people on Youtuber falling and hurting themselves." He smiles and I let out a small grin.

   " Oh! Or we could be white girls and take selfies!" He says in a girl voice, and moves around his hands. I let out a laugh as he lifts up his phone and pretends to take a selfie.

   " Okay, you win, let's sit down and pretend to be white girls." He starts to sit down, but I stop him with my hand.

   " Wait." He stops and looks at me.

   " Only if you promise we can get Starbucks afterwards." I say with a serious face and we both end up laughing, just having a good time. Together.

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