four: a rich neighbourhood

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The boy woke up in the usual alley. The first thing he saw was the poorly-made roof with wood and a few sheets. Ashton stretched and sighed, getting up from the place he slept in.

He picked up the food he has stolen on the day before from some family house. He broke in the house and he woman inside yelling when noticing her turkey was gone was honestly the funniest thing ever, he shared it with Michael and kept some to eat in the morning. He knew Michael did the same and left to his place early in the morning. They slept in the same place sometimes but not usually, only when it rained and they kept warm-er like that.

The curly-haired boy groaned at the sunlight hitting his face and quickly went to a shadow, walking across the yard to a wood fence. Ashton heard a car stopping and instantly thought it was the police, they always came here to pick up someone who was committing a crime (or not doing anything at all).

"You stay there ladies, I'm gonna pick up one of your buddies." The cop said, earning a groan from a girl. Ashton looked through the crack and could only see one of his friends, Rose.

"Suck my dick you asshole, shove a stick up your ass because we were just hanging out!" a well-known voice said and Ashton almost banged his head against the wood as soon as he realised it was Michael.

The cop walked to where Ashton was and he hid better. He tapped against the wood and walked away to the house at the end of the road. Ashton climbed the fence and his friends smiled as soon as they saw him, Felix was there too. Michael held onto the bars and put his face in the middle of them.

"Ashy my babe, get me out of here." The red haired boy said, making the girl in the back laugh.

"I'm wondering if I should, you always get yourself into this stuff."

"This was not our fault, I promise! They put up some signs, horrible signs against us and caught us." Ashton looked at Rose and the girl nodded, agreeing with Michael.

"They arrested me because I'm black, that's not even a valid reason!" said the chocolate-skin boy with a frown.

"I'm only doing this because Rose is not a girl who lies and I believe you. And because of Felix."

"Bro, she is literally a prostitute."

"That doesn't make me a liar, makes me a... pleaser?" Rose said, taking out a cigarette.

Ashton chuckled and grabbed the wire, putting it in the lock until it clicked.

His three friends got out of the car and ran away, leaving Ashton laughing at them. He wondered what signs were being put up in the city that made them leave and when Ashton looked to the fence that separated them from the rich side he saw the sign. His heart was broken at witnessing such discrimination for those who don't have money or conditions to have a normal and rich life.

The sign said, ''No tramps allowed".

"Hey, you!" the cop said and Ashton started running away on a random direction.

The man ran after him but stopped after a while, leaving Ashton hiding behind some white fence from a neighbourhood that he didn't know. He got out of the backyard when everything was silent and started walking around, not giving a shit if someone saw him. He walked past a house where three old ladies were knitting and chatting in the porch, their eyes stopped in Ashton who waved at them.

"Hello, my ladies." He said, waving and laughed when they didn't have reaction.

The boy kept walking and looking around, petting some dogs on the way.

"A lid on every trash can and fences around every tree? How fancy are these people! So posh! What don't they have?" Ashton stopped walking when he heard teenagers talking. He hid behind a tree and watched them.

The first boy had dark hair and brown eyes, his skin was rather tanned and he looked quite muscular (Ashton knew him, he saw him around with some people). The second person was a girl, she had blonde hair and rosy cheeks, she was talking to the other boy who was just nodding along with a smile - a fake one, at least it seemed like it. Ashton took a moment to stare at the boy and get a better look at him and he was so beautiful. He had blonde hair and shiny blue eyes, his skin was pale and it looked like porcelain - Ashton was even afraid to break him with just one look.

"So, Luke" the girl said to Luke - his name is Luke, Ashton memorized "I was wondering if you want to go out sometime?"

The boy looked rather uncomfortable with that question but nodded. Ashton wanted to laugh, he was so into the opposite team.

The girl smiled and walked away, telling Luke he could mark a day later and that she was always free. She seemed the slutty type, Ashton felt concerned that she was going to end up breaking Luke's heart (he shouldn't even think about it since they don't know each other). He remembered the horrified look on Luke's face.

The boys looked at him and stared at Ashton laughing.

"She is going to be a problem boy, I can already imagine how confused you will be after that."

"Shut up." The boy said, his cheeks blushing.

He couldn't stop staring at Ashton's lips or eyes.

"First are the dates and then she will want to be your girlfriend. Girlfriends are annoying, boyfriends are so much better don't you think?" he looked at the dark-haired boy and Luke started shaking and bitting his lip.

"T-That's a sin! You don't know what you're talking about!"

Ashton winked and left the place with a smirk on his face, he knew this would just go wrong.


whenever Aloha E Komo Mai comes up on my songs i know it's my time to shine and show off my moves (they're amazing js)

any opinions? not on the song thing, the chapter

-ana rita (moony)

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