Chapter 5: Explained Past

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Well, here I am.  Sitting by my long lost brother asking and answering questions.  You might think this is a good thing,  but actually it's not. It's actually a bad thing,  well not completely bad,  but still.

See, the good thing is that I'm getting answers for all my questions.


The bad thing is that I need to answer his questions also. 

So as I was saying, I'm chilling with my bro in his room,  catching up on all we missed.  But this question made me think back.

What did happen to me? Looking at my past,  everything that happened changed me. 

Looking past my brother,  into space, so much memories flashed back.

"Please sis,tell me.  Tell me everything that happened. Everything from the start.  Please... " his eyes and words were pleading.

Taking a big breath,  I began.

" So much happened.  From the crash,  I went to the hospital. I went for a operation... " Jackson cutted me off.


" CHILL BRO! I just got a piece of metal in my lower stomach.  So they removed it.  Anywayyyy,  as I was saying.  I got out of the hospital 3 months later.  From then on,  I went home. Only to find out that the house was already sold.  The lawyers took me to a orphanage but I refused to live there.  They took me to their offices and told me that the money from the house and everything in it,  belongs to me but I would only receive once I turn 21. I walked out of there,  in my depression state and into the streets. "

I stopped and looked into his eyes that was filled with tears.  But I continued.

" But one night, someone found me.  His name was Rodney,  25-year old Street fighter. The best Street fighter there is.  Or was,  since I claimed his title.  He took me in,  helped me through depression,  even though he didn't know the whole story.  He sat with me when I cried,  when I screamed myself awake at night. When I was deep in depression,  I didn't have any feelings.  Nothing.  My mind was blank.  But when I finally came out of the depression,  all the emotions came back non-stop.  I couldn't hold back the sadness but also the anger.  So Rodney introduced me to something named Street fighting.  I learned to fight,  to put all my anger into it.  On the way,  I met my bff,  Jessica. We became friends right away.  I told her my past and she told me mine.  We began fighting more until we begun street fighting. We started from the bottom and we ended up here.  Me first and Jessica second. We won money every weekend.  We begun school together.  I met a guy, Marco.  He was sweet, caring and every girls dream guy.   Or so I thought. After 4 months,  3 dates, 2 surprises and 1 secret,  I saw his true colours.  Turns out,  my night in shining armour turns out to be the one who steels the princess for his own evil plan. He was a gangleader.  Trying to bed me and make me 'his' so that he could use my fighting for his advantages. I broke it off with him.  I actually thought I loved him.  So that night,  I turned off all my emotions again."

Taking a deep breath I said.
"I moved out and carried on with my life.  Gangs trying to get me in and I agreed,  but only to find out they wanted to bed me to.  So I stopped.  Well until now." I finished. I looked up at him and his sad face turned into a happy face. 

"So you're saying that you are going to join!?"he asked with hope written on his happy face.

But,  am I really going to join? Am I going to join here and stay?  Or is the leader going to bed me?
I don't really think Jackson would let that happen.  So this might be good. They can help me with protection. 

"Fine, let me talk to Jessica.  She's coming with me if I join though. " I told him crossing my arms and giving him a playful glare. Even though I missed all these years knowing my brother,  I still know how his mind works.

He looked at me and gave me a smile while holding up his hands.
" Sorry sis,  but she is a very very nice looking piece. I make no promises. "

" Mmm.  Just remember that she is my sister and I trained her well! "

" Yeah.  Soo what do you wanna do now? " He asked.

Looking around the room,  I noticed that he really still has the picture of both of us at the park playing on the swings. 

" I can't believe that you still have that picture of us.  Wow,  I thought I lost it over the years. " I looked up at him and smile.

" Hey,  leave the bad memories behind that came with the good memories.  C'mon,  lets go eat something. "

We both stood up and walked out of his room, down the stairs and into the gameroom where Jess is sitting playing PS4. After telling her that we are getting something to eat and that we will bring her some, we exited the gameroom and went into the kichen.He walked to the fridge and opened it.

He looked in the fridge and turned around to me.

" Well sis,  we don't have any left overs.  So we have order something or make something.  But,  I'm to lazy and I'm not a kitchen person so we have to order something for us and also the rest of the gang." he said while closing the door and walking to the phone.

Before he could dial a number,  I stopped him. "Why don't I make something for us and also the gang? It's going to be much more healthier than take aways." 

He looked at me suspiciously before anwering.

"You better not poison us or burn the kitchen down! If you can cook,  then why not? I'll be here sitting and watching you.  Oh and we are a pretty big gang, about 50 people.  Sooo, good luck with that! " he finished and walked to the barstool. 

Looking everywhere, I decided to make mama's big and spicy lasagne with some salad on the side.

Let's get started!

Getting everything I need,  I began mixing.  Just like my mom always made it,  I started following the old family recipe I learnt from my mom. 

Once done with my lasagne I start with a normal Greek salad. 
Setting up the table, I start taking the lasange out and put it on te table as well as the Greek salad.

Once I was done, Jess came in and we began talking.

Now all we have to wait is for everyone.  Which would be here in about 10min.

10 min before meeting the gang...



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