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Oh My Lord I Am So Fed up with Kevin! I Cant Stand Him. I Was Taking Off My Jewelry While Prin Walked in . "Mommy Can I Call Kevin." I Looked at her . "Yeah in a Minute. " I Bet Yall Like Wtf? Why she Calling him Kevin . Isn't it Daddy? Well No . Prin Hasnt Really Grown up with Kevin In Her Life . But Its not that I'm keeping her away from him it's that He Just doesn't come around ever since we broke up . I Handed her the Phone and He Answered. "Bitch Really?" I Grabbed the Phone . "Prin Baby Can You Go In the Room With Your Father?" She nodded and Went out. "Father? Oh Hell Nah I'm the One That Put My Penis in You-" I Cut him Slam off. "Kevin Do me a Favor and Go to Hell . You Know What Lose My Mothafuckin Number . You ain't Shit! Neither is Your Wife . let's Hope You don't Cheat on Her Oh Forgot its not gonna last ." I Yelled. "Constance Fuck You! I Dont Know Why I Even Stayed with Yo Dumb ass. No Wonder I Cheated on you . Cause You a Stuck Up ass Bitch . Got My Damn Daughter Calling another Broke ass Nigga Daddy . " He Yelled Back. "Kevin I'm Not Gonna Argue With You , Your Not worth my Time at All. Your a Peice of Shit! And Prin Doesnt Deserve to Be Around You ! I Hate You ." I Was On The Verge of Tears . Idk why I am like Crying because I Cant believe I falled for a Sorry Ass Nigga. "All You Have Done Was Make me Weaker and Feel Like I'm a Bad Mother When All I Have I Done When We Were in a Relationship was Hold You Down . You Want a Down Ass Female Right ? But You Had One and Couldnt Keep You Friend In Your Pants . Thats What You Had me For ! Remember When I Came to The Club and Got Your Drunk Ass. I'm So Stupid For Even Putting Up With Your Shit . I'm So Stupid For Even Meeting You! And Being a Whore and Letting you Get to me . The Only good thing that came Was Prin! And So If You Didnt Know It Takes 2 To Make a Baby! I Didnt Ask Your Stupid Ass To Lay down with me . But Its All good I'm Just glad Prin is in My life and I thank You but You No Your Such a Father ! No Wonder she Dont even call You daddy. " I Was Crying . I just Cant Hold My Tongue Anymore . I'm Just Done . "Constance I'm Sorry For Ev-" I Cut Him Off. " Dont Be Sorry Be Safe, Sorry Doesnt Clear Anything . Your Gonna Get Whats Coming for You Believe It!" I Hung Up.

Hold it Down (A Kevin Gates Love Story) {Under Construction)Where stories live. Discover now