Twirling Tattoo Ch. 8

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Chapter 8

"Wait, so dragons steal the life force of humans?" Finn asked confused and I nodded. My markings were having a field day on my skin and were still jumping around in happiness at seeing me again.

"Yes but only as food. They do eat other species life forces as well, including their own if they're in real trouble. It doesn't take much for them," Lawrence answered for me as he walked in the room. "I heard that you were keeping the doctor entertained but I never thought that you were telling him your story."

"He asked for me to tell him about how we lived and I can only give my perspective," I replied calmly and he made me move over on the bed so he could sit next to me. Pulling the blankets around his legs, he grinned at me and waved for me to go on. I rolled my eyes but he was already caught within my tattooed web so I began again.

Phyralis had stopped taking the energy from my master but he hadn't left. After much groveling and apologies and even a small transfusion of his energy to Aiden did I finally let him stay. However, he had decided to sleep on deck with the crew then actually come near us. The news of the sea king didn't reach us until much later the next day when Keresha swam up and told us that he wouldn't be able to come for a few days yet. My master didn't seem to mind since his transfusion and just told them that they would be inland by then. We arrived the next day after that and Aiden was sulking more than ever. When I asked him to talk about it, he just waved me off and I returned to my silent watch in the chair. As the ship drew up to the port, I sprang up and went to go look outside to see what my homeland looked like now. There were villagers gathering around the landing spot to see what the foreigners looked like and I wanted badly to know where we were. Was this my former home? Would they even recognize me with all the tattoos that I had? The questions built up until, I finally decided to focus on something less bothersome.

The town wasn't very large but it had a nice little cathedral in the middle with a huge cross on top. I could've shown it would have fallen over if it wanted to but it stayed there. That in itself was a miracle. Amused, I watched the crowd grow slowly bigger as we neared and Phyralis walked up behind me.

"We're the life of the party," he noted and I rolled my eyes.

"Only if you consider this a party, my master's about to kill anyone that comes near him. He really doesn't want to be here," I informed him and he shrugged.

"Not my problem. I'm just a servant," he replied and I nodded. Weren't we all? Looking back over at the town, I watched the trees wave to us in the wind and I felt the urge to dance with them. I stifled it though because I didn't want to cause my master any embarrassment upon our landing.

"So we're here," a growl emitted from behind us and I turned to see Aiden practically glaring at the shore. Reaching out, I grabbed his hand and smiled at him.

"Yes and now let's make the best presentation we can. If we do, they might let us go back to Argon for the holidays," I suggested and the thought of returning home made his face light up.

"Not a bad idea! I think I like this country already," he grinned and looked over the railing at the approaching shore. "There are so many people."

"You are a prince," I reminded him calmly and he didn't answer.

When the ship finally did land, it was late in the afternoon and the crowd was at its biggest. People crowded to see the prince and I was on my guard. This was an extremely important part of the process because if the prince got killed now then there'd be no turning back for another war. Just as I anticipated, a man rushed forward with a knife to stab my master. Unfortunately for him, I got in the way. Blocking his attack, I gripped his wrist and with a swift motion broke it. He yelled out in pain and I took the knife from his hand calmly. With another motion, I reset his wrist and watched him fall to the ground. Looking down at the knife in my hand, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I glanced up at my master. He gently took the knife out of my hands and threw it with deadly accuracy, right next to the man's head.

"Damn Argons! I thought you wouldn't use any tricks!" the assailant roared and I knelt by him careful of his fingers.

"I'm not an Argon," I informed him and he stopped moving. Shock crossed his face as he stared at my tattoos swirling angrily.

"An Arctic? You're not an Arctic if you attack your own people!" he screamed and I tilted my head. I hadn't known a man who could be so distraught over a single fact.

"Really? Then what am I?" I asked quietly and my markings wrapped around his broken wrist. Before he could protest, I sent my tattoo into his body to fix the break. Letting go of him, I stood back up and kicked the knife out of his reach.

"I don't suggest you do that again. I won't be so nice next time," I told him and a band of guards came running towards us. A man sat on a beautiful black stallion in the front of the guard and dismounted with a graceful movement. As he neared us, I saw that he was the same age as us and that he had the eyes as blue as the sky itself. His hair however was the same color as dirt in the air and he completely ignored me as he made his way to my master.

Aiden didn't even seem to be aware of him as he drew out a handkerchief and wiped off my bloody tears. He gently put it in my hands and pushed a strand of hair out of my face.

"Thank you," he smiled and I sighed. Putting the kerchief in my pocket, I turned to the newcomer and my master was forced to notice his arrival.

"Welcome Prince Aiden," the man said bowing and my master bowed back. When both of them had straightened up, the man held out his hand and my master took it easily.

"Prince Lawrence. It's a pleasure to be in your presence," Aiden said without a hint of sarcasm and the other prince examined him with open curiosity.

"Is it really? Are you really happy being here in my country? You're marrying my sister so it would be a good thing to know that you're not lying to me," Lawrence asked bluntly and my master raised an eyebrow.

"So it's better to tell the truth and upset all these people? That's rather cruel of you your highness," he responded and one of the crew members handed him Lavender. Jumping up on his horse, he looked at me and I grinned at him. My tattoos left my body with a crawling sensation and they formed wings. I tapped on the door to his mind and he answered by pulling me in. Jumping up in the air, I flew around for a few moments waiting for everyone to get ready.

"Who is she?" I heard from inside Aiden's mind.

"She's my personal servant and protector. Her name is Naomi and it's about time that she's free," he replied and my heart soared.

Author's note: Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Thanks for the support! Don't forget to vote and comment.

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